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Raoul De KeyserCrossing2010gesso and oil on canvas mounted on wood32 x 31,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserOne-eyed2010watercolour, acrylic and charcoal on canvas mounted on wood20 x 24 cm
Raoul De KeyserAcrobatics2010mixed technique on canvas mounted on wood33,5 x 28,2 cm
Raoul De KeyserFire2010pencil, watercolour and acrylic on wood20 x 23 cm
Raoul De KeyserPassage2010watercolour, acrylic, oil pastel on wood20 x 24 cm
Raoul De KeyserDe Voltooide Onvoltooide2009 - 2010gesso, acrylic and charcoal on canvas44 x 34,3 cm
Raoul De KeyserRests2007acrylic and gesso on canvas56 x 71 cm
Raoul De KeyserAcrobats2007oil on canvas36 x 43,3 cm
Raoul De KeyserOskar 42005oil on canvas51 x 71 cm
Raoul De KeyserWhitechapel (Special 'Hors Serie')2004watercolour on paper18 x 26,2 cm
Raoul De KeyserKoude Versie2003oil on canvas65 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserSurplace nr. 22002oil on canvas70 x 80 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo2002oil on canvas34 x 42 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled2002watercolour on Ingres paper64,5 x 47,8 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled2002watercolour on Ingres paper62,5 x 47,8 cm
Raoul De KeyserAvondversie2001oil on canvas65 x 50,7 cm
Raoul De KeyserNO2001oil on canvas32 x 35 cm
Raoul De KeyserKunstbloemen2001watercolour on paper31,5 x 24 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo2000oil on canvas30 x 24,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserCordon1999oil on canvas55 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserRetour 51999oil on canvas188 x 140 cm
Raoul De KeyserRetour 21999oil on canvas167 x 110 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1996watercolour on paper36 x 21 cm
Raoul De KeyserLanding1996
Raoul De KeyserUntitled (Expedition)1995oil on canvas120 x 180 cm
Raoul De KeyserAngoulême1994oil on canvas55 x 31,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserBlau voor München (Arbeit in Blau) (Blue for Munich [Work in Blue])1993oil on canvas50 x 70 cm
Raoul De KeyserForcalquier C31993watercolour on paper24 x 32 cm
Raoul De KeyserTors (Torso)1992oil on canvas61 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserBleu de Ciel (Celestial Blue)1992oil on canvas62,5 x 62,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserRug1992oil on cardboard76 x 56 cm
Raoul De KeyserAus Der Kabinet1991pencil and oil on cardboard2 x (37,5 x 37,5 cm)
Raoul De KeyserDe Haan aan Zee (28.02.91) (1)1991watercolour, chalk and pencil on paper42 x 28 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1988 - 1991Indian ink and pencil on paper41,5 x 29 cm
Raoul De KeyserKrijt-Bl. G. (Chalk-Blue Green)1988oil and chalk on canvas49,8 x 59,6 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled (Le miroir de) (Untitled [The Mirror of...])1988oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserBrug1988charcoal, pencil, graphite, ink and gesso on paper34,4 x 27,4 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1988charcoal, chalk, ink and gesso on paper34,4 x 27,4 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1988ink, charcoal, graphite, gesso and chalk on paper34,4 x 27,4 cm
Raoul De KeyserAber1988charcoal, ink, gesso and pencil on paper34,4 x 27,4 cm
Raoul De KeyserKoperen1988charcoal, ink, gesso and pencil on paper34,4 x 27,4 cm
Raoul De KeyserMede1988charcoal, ink, gesso and pencil on paper34,4 x 27,4 cm
Raoul De KeyserHal 8 (Hall 8)1985oil on canvas50 x 40 cm
Raoul De Keyser61985acrylic, crayon and oil on cardboard36 x 28 cm
Raoul De KeyserZinkend (Sinking)1983oil on canvas200 x 150 cm
Raoul De KeyserTornado1981oil on canvas50 x 40 cm
Raoul De KeyserTornado1981oil on canvas60 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserTornado1981oil on canvas36 x 36 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1980 - 1989ink, acrylic and gesso on cardboard58 x 76 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1980ink on cardboard56 x 77,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserZeilen Heuvels 101979oil on canvas40 x 40 cm
Raoul De KeyserHeesterbeek1978oil on canvas120 x 75 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1977pencil, crayon and watercolour on cardboard76 x 56,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1977crayon and acrylic on cardboard56,5 x 56 cm
Raoul De KeyserZandvlo1976 - 1989ink, acrylic and gesso on cardboard60,5 x 57 cm
Raoul De KeyserKrijtlijnen HV1976 - 1977acrylic and chalk on canvas150 x 252,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1975oil on canvas laid down on wood5 x 23 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1974 - 1988acrylic and gesso on cotton40 x 40 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1974 - 1980ink, watercolour, graphite and gesso on cardboard50 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1972acrylic on canvas40,3 x 30 cm
Raoul De KeyserDrie Hoeken (II)1971acrylic and dispersion on canvas70 x 70 cm
Raoul De KeyserHommage aan Brusselmans (Tribute to Brusselmans)1969 - 1970acrylic and dispersion paint on canvas120 x 150 cm
Raoul De KeyserBag1969acrylic on canvas150 x 120 cm
Raoul De KeyserAan de Oude Leie ( Along the Old River Arm)1968acrylic and dispersion on canvas120 x 75 cm
Raoul De KeyserZeer Gewoon (Sproeier) (Very Common [Sprinkler])1968acrylic on canvas70 x 70 cm
Raoul De KeyserSlice I1967oil on canvas120 x 25 x 2,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserLinnen Doos II1966 - 1967oil on canvas on wooden framework120 x 150 x 25 cm
Raoul De KeyserBaron in Al Held-veld1964 - 1966oil on canvas105 x 80 cm
Published by Mu.ZEE Ostend, 2023
Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium December 17, 2022 - May 21, 2022
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany April 5 - September 8, 2019
S.M.A.K., Ghent, Belgium September 22 - January 27, 2019
S.M.A.K., Ghent, Belgium October 21, 2017 - February 18, 2018
Raoul De Keyser, 1930–2012 (BE)
Taking his surroundings and personal life as a starting point, Raoul De Keyser investigated the material and technical possibilities of painting. From the early 1960s he built a highly personal body of work that is exceptionally difficult to categorize; he successfully reconciled a number of apparent contradictions such as figuration vs abstraction and the physicality of paint vs the ephemerality of the image. His work explored the fundamentals of painting while referring to his personal life and close environment.
In the 1960s De Keyser translated impressions of everyday surroundings – a garden hose, soccer stocking, door handle – into a simplified figuration as a way to conduct research on line, surface and colour. At the time already he consciously engaged with the spatial implications of the painterly medium. There is a clear relation to be noted between the disappearance and flattening of space in the image plane and De Keyser’s growing interest in literally placing the work in the exhibition space. In the 1970s, De Keyser continued his research into the subjects and techniques of the previous decade, but in a way that was subtler and seemingly more systematic, often working in series. He increasingly took the process of painting itself as the subject of his work; scratching the paint, but also the space left for hesitations and ‘errors’ are common practices explored by De Keyser. The guiding principle here is a motif that can be used in several ways: the research into both the pictorial space and the material and process-related conditions of painting. De Keyser’s work of the 1980s is characterized by new subjects, greater spatial, painterly and technical complexity, and a more exuberant use of colour. The roughly brushed surfaces, however, have little to do with the ubiquitous (neo-) expressionism, but rather with his decade-long struggle with paint and the canvas.
Raoul De Keyser had solo exhibitions at Pinakothek der Moderne (Munich), S.M.A.K. (Ghent), The Renaissance Society (Chicago), Kunstmuseum Luzern (Lucerne), M HKA (Antwerp), Portikus (Frankfurt), Kunsthalle Bern, Inverleith House (Edinburgh), Kunstmuseum Bonn, Museum of Fine Arts Ghent, Douglas Hyde Gallery (Dublin), FRAC Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand), Kunstverein St. Gallen, Serralves Museum (Porto), De Pont (Tilburg), Whitechapel Gallery (London) and Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens (Deurle).
Raoul De Keyser participated in documenta IX in 1992 and the Venice Biennale in 2007. His work featured in group shows at The Art Institute of Chicago, National Museum of Art (Osaka), Bozar (Brussels), SFMOMA (San Francisco), Parasol unit foundation for contemporary art (London), Deichtorhallen (Hamburg), Museo Fortuny (Venice), M WOODS (Beijing), Mu.ZEE (Ostend), Marta Herford and Whitechapel Gallery (London).
Raoul De Keyser joined the gallery in 1988.
Zeno X Gallery is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a series of exhibitions that shed light on the different decades of the gallery. From 5 February, '40 YEARS Zeno X Gallery: The Eighties' presents the four artists who joined the gallery in the 1980s: John Körmeling (1981), Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (1982), Patrick Van Caeckenbergh (1986) and Raoul De Keyser (1988). Early works enter into dialogue with recent works created specially for the exhibition. In the early years, the gallery’s main focus was on architecture and installation art.
Patrick Van Caeckenbergh first showed Teddie (1989) at his Wunderbar exhibition in the gallery in 1989. This early installation problematizes the word ‘huidskleur’ (skin colour). For Van Caeckenbergh, the label ‘vleeskleur 374’ (flesh tint 374) on a pot of light-pink paint reveals the one-sided Eurocentric way of looking at skin colour. The teddy bear is like an explorer, showing off his conquests on a typical billboard from the 1980s. The bear looks cuddly but is actually a dangerous animal: Teddie ‘loves’ the different types of people, but also wants to oppress and dominate them.
Le Secrétaire (collection de peaux) (2018–2022) [The Secretaire (Skin Collection)] is a desk drawer containing a collection of ‘skins’. Van Caeckenbergh collected the skins over the past five years by cutting rectangular shapes out of porn magazines. He always selects rectangles that no longer contain any references to the human body; censorship is a form of therapy that allows him to deal with the ‘gruesome’ visual reality of pornography. He then presents the ‘skins’ as stamps or on a staff. The image of the human tendon shows that all bodies, regardless of skin tone, look the same on the inside.
For Het Muziekbos (Het Weeftapijt) (2021) [The Musical Forest (The Woven Carpet)], Patrick Van Caeckenbergh cut up a photographic print of an investment forest and interwove it with a colour fan from a paint shop. The colours refer to the different types of birds. To the right of the woven carpet is an overview of the birds and their (phonetic) sounds. The work is a tribute to French composer and ornithologist Olivier Messiaen, who saw colours when he heard certain sounds or musical chords (synaesthesia).
John Körmeling presented Wortelmodellen (1983) [Root Models] during his first exhibition at Zeno X Gallery in 1983. The iron tubes represent the measurements 1 to the square root of 7. In this series of Wortelmodellen, the ribs and diagonals are always roots times a single unit. To this day, this measuring system is a starting point for Körmeling’s architectural projects, which include the bicycle shed fiets&stal in Scheveningen and the work Minimaal Meten (2021) [Minimal Measuring]. Körmeling’s designs and realizations look for correspondences between art and architecture, but also urban planning and design, and always with a sense of perspective and humour.
In Fruitstad (2021) [Fruit City], each piece of fruit is given a number of windows or a door, turning the fruit basket, by definition, into a city. In this exhibition, Körmeling also presents models of realized projects, such as Vogelobservatie platform [Birdwatching Platform] in Texel and Veiligheidspaviljoen [Safety Pavillion] in Knokke (in cooperation with Compagnie-O Architecten). His design for a glass bridge in Venice was not realized. He created the sculpture Huis Buiten de Schaduwgrens (1989) [House Outside the Shadow Line] for a fund-raiser on behalf of children who require constant sunlight.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven held her first exhibition at Zeno X Gallery in 1982. To celebrate forty years of collaboration, a large solo exhibition, Placenta Saturnine Bercail, featuring old and new work, is being held at the gallery in Borgerhout. At Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South, she shows the early work Ectoplasma (1991), part of a series of four works on doors. Each work in this series depicts a kind of striptease: half hidden behind a door set ajar, duplicated by a mirror, or open like a fan. In the work Duality – Theorem (2015–16), Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven explores the tension between word and image. She places different layers of material on top of each other, just like in her recent images of women on Plexiglas.
Raoul De Keyser was the first painter to join Zeno X Gallery in 1988. Both Untitled (Le miroir de ...) (1988) [The Mirror of...] and Untitled (1987) date from the early years of the collaboration. Taking the surrounding reality as his starting point, De Keyser investigates the material and technical possibilities of painting. For instance, many of his paintings are inspired by the chalk lines of the football pitch he can see from his studio. This recognizable motif, which also appears in Untitled (Le miroir de...), is further reduced to single, double or crossed lines that relate to the pictorial space in constantly changing constellations. Colour becomes a subject in its own right in his work, as seen in Untitled (1987). The visible brushstrokes break through the monochrome and bring tension, tactility and sensitivity to the work.
De Keyser’s drawings and watercolors are a crucial part of his oeuvre. They offer an intimate glimpse into the artist’s thought process and work method. The drawings are only rarely conventional studies: they are often a reaction to his own paintings, but they can also stand on their own.
De Keyser’s works from the 1970s are characterized by his exploration of materials (pencil, chalk, watercolor, ink, graphite, gesso, etc.), types of paper, and techniques (such as scratching, rubbing and smudging). The work process itself gradually became the subject of the oeuvre, with hesitations and ‘mistakes’ increasingly being admitted into the works.
The chalk line, as in Untitled (1980), became a multipurpose motif for investigating both the pictorial space and the material and procedural aspects of painting. From 1985 onwards, the chalk line was doubled, as in the well-known Hallepoort series (1987–88) where the works on paper have a counterpart on canvas. Natural elements were also an important source of inspiration in the 1970s and 1980s, such as the wooded sand hill that De Keyser cycled past every day in Zandvlo (1976–89) and the use of the color green in Untitled (1980–89).
In the 1990s De Keyser revisited earlier motifs, such as the ‘monkey puzzle’ tree from his garden in Untitled (1996) and Untitled (1988–91). We also see more monochrome, abstract works that have been 'disrupted', such as Rug(1992) and Aus Der Kabinet (1991). Rug is one of the two works on paper that Raoul De Keyser exhibited at the 1992 Documenta, curated by Jan Hoet. In the 2000s the artist moved further and further away from the recognizable, his works seemingly becoming more detached.
Raoul De Keyser was born in Deinze in 1930 and lived there his entire life. In 1964 he began developing a highly personal oeuvre that is extremely difficult to categorize. He reconciles a number of apparent contradictions, such as figuration versus abstraction and the tactility of paint versus the ephemerality of the image. His work explores the fundamentals of painting while also referring to his personal life and surroundings. De Keyser adopted the principles of Nieuwe Visie (New Vision) and Fundamental Painting in the 1970s and used them to develop his own idiom, which brought him international recognition.
Zeno X Gallery has represented Raoul De Keyser since 1988. His first institutional solo exhibition in Asia will take place next autumn (2022) at M Woods in Beijing. Major solo exhibitions in the past have been held at Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich (2019), S.M.A.K. in Ghent (2018), Inverleith House in Edinburgh (2015), Kunstmuseum Bonn (2009), Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (2009), The Douglas Hyde Gallery in Dublin (2009), FRAC Auvergne in Clermont-Ferrand (2008), Kunstverein Sankt Gallen (2005), Museu Serralves in Porto (2005), De Pont in Tilburg (2004), Whitechapel Gallery in London (2004), Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in Deurle (2002), The Renaissance Society in Chicago (2001), Kunstmuseum Luzern (1999), M HKA in Antwerp (1997), Portikus in Frankfurt (1991) and Kunsthalle Bern (1991), among others. De Keyser has also featured in major international group exhibitions such as Documenta IX (1992), curated by Jan Hoet, and the Venice Biennale (2007), curated by Robert Storr.
Raoul De Keyser was born in 1930 in Deinze, and lived there his entire life. From 1963-1964 he develops a personal oeuvre that unfolds through several stylistic periods. In this way, his early paintings from the sixties can be seen as exponents of the ‘Nieuwe Visie’ (New Vision), in which impressions of everyday surroundings are translated through a simplified figuration. Objects like a garden hose, soccer stocking or door handle appear repeatedly in the work and are used by De Keyser to conduct research on line, surface and color. In contrast to Pop Art, which will often thematize the American consumer culture, De Keyser consciously chose the more quiet and intimate imagery of the Flemish village - with or without the new signs of modernity. Raoul De Keyser, however, was not only influenced by figurative painting, but also by the American post-war abstraction such as Post-painterly abstraction, Color Field and Hard-edge painting. In this way, he quite literally refers to the American artist Al Held in the iconic work Baron in Al Held-Veld (Baron in Al Held Field) (1964-1966).
In the sixties, Raoul De Keyser already consciously engaged with the spatial implications of the painterly medium. There is a clear relationship to be noted between the disappearance and the flattening of space in the image plane and De Keyser’s growing interest in literally placing the work in the exhibition space. Between 1966 and 1971, he creates a variety of wooden frames onto which a canvas is stretched which is then painted on, called Linnen Dozen (Linen Boxes). The work Linnen Doos II (Linen Box II) (1966-1967), shown in this exhibition, has not been exhibited since 1970. The Linnen Dozen themselves are also regularly depicted in his works, as is the case in Untitled from 1971. The three-dimensional painting is also given form in the Slices: paintings that are set on the floor and lean against the wall, which can be seen as side-sections of the LinenBoxes.
In his works of the 1970s, he continues his research into the subjects and techniques of the previous decade, yet now in a more subtle and seemingly more systematic manner. He often works in series, such as for instance in works as Zeilen Heuvels (Sails Hills) or the quadriptych Tegendraads (Against-the-grain) (1978). Increasingly, he takes the process of painting in itself as the subject in his oeuvre; the scratching in the paint, but also the space left for hesitations and ‘errors’ are common practices explored by De Keyser. The guiding principle here is a multi-usable motif: the research into both the pictorial space and the material and process-related conditions of painting.
The Keyser’s work of the 1980s is characterized by new subjetcs, greater spatial and painterly/ technical complexity and a more exuberant use of color. Tornado (1981), Knauw (Bite) (1983-1984) and Hellepoort 8 (Hell Gate 8) (1985) are clear examples of this development. The roughly brushed surface, however, has little to do with the ubiquitous (neo) Expressionism, but rather with his decade-long struggle with the paint and the canvas.
Zeno X Gallery has represented Raoul De Keyser since 1988. In the fall of 2018, there will be a traveling retrospective of his work which will open at the S.M.A.K. in Ghent. Previously, De Keyser has had solo exhibitions at the Inverleith House in Edinburgh, the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London, the Musée de Rochechouart, the Museu Serralves in Porto, the Kunstverein St. Gallen, the Kunstmuseum Bonn, and others. De Keyser also took part in Documenta IX, curated by Jan Hoet, and the Venice Biennale in 2007. In 2012, Zeno X Gallery organized a homage-exhibition to commemorate the life and work of Raoul De Keyser.
curator: Paul Nesbitt
Luc TuymansHappy Birthday2023oil on canvas218 x 131 cm
Jack WhittenSeven Loops For Elizabeth Murray2011acrylic on canvas
Marina RheingantzMaria Ruth2023oil on canvas150 x 130 cm
Raoul De KeyserSketch (La Mancha)2006oil on canvas, charcoal and gesso100 x 125 cm
Marlene DumasBermuda Triangle2000oil on canvas100 x 56 cm
Marina RheingantzBraquiaria2022oil on linen130 x 110 cm
Salman ToorLoincloth Man2023oil on panel61 x 45,7 cm
Strauss Bourque-LaFranceLA L'AGUNA2023acrylic, Flashe (vinyl paint), graphite, canvas collage and adhesives on canvas30,5 x 40,6 cm
Strauss Bourque-LaFranceDusk Chain2023acrylic, Flashe (vinyl paint), graphite, canvas collage and adhesives on canvas50,8 x 40,6 cm
Strauss Bourque-LaFranceOld Yolk2023acrylic, Flashe (vinyl paint), graphite, canvas collage and adhesives on canvas38,1 x 50,8 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery, AntwerpSoul Mapping - installation view
Photo: Andrea RossettiCourtesy Mu.ZEE OostendeInstallation view
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view Patrick Van Caeckenbergh
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view Raoul De Keyse
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view Luc Tuymans
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Patrick Van CaeckenberghTeddie1988 - 1989mixed mediavariable dimensions
Patrick Van CaeckenberghHet Muziekbos (Het Weeftapijt) (The Musical Forest [The Woven Carpet])2021mixed media
Patrick Van CaeckenberghLe secrétaire (collection de peaux) (The Secretary [Collection of Skins])2018 - 2022wood, paper on cardboard, print, metal, curtain tassel, porcelain, wooden shelvesvariable dimensions
John KörmelingVeiligheidspaviljoen, Knokke-Heist (Safety Pavilion, Knokke-Heist)2015 - 2019scale model: plaster, iron wire, wood19 x 51,2 x 32 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEctoplasma (Ectoplasm)1991silkscreen paint and plastic foil on Trovicel, mounted on wood with iron hinges2 x (201 x 83 x 4,2 cm)
John KörmelingTE KOOP2020 - 2022cotton, silkscreen
John KörmelingFruitstad (Fruit City)2021plastic, paper, pencil45 x 55 x 40 cm
John KörmelingMinimaal Meten (Minimal Measuring)20223D print in plastic, wood20,1 x 98 x 42 cm
John KörmelingVogelobservatie Platform, Prins Hendrikzanddijk, Texel (Birdwatching Platform, Prins Hendrikzanddijk, Texel)2019scale model: plaster, iron wire, tempex and wood7 x 84 x 52 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1987oil on canvas48 x 30 cm
John KörmelingGlass Bridge, Ponte dell'Academia, Venice1985scale model: glass, plexi dome, marble and blue limestone21,5 x 65,0 x 21,0 cm
John KörmelingHuis Buiten de Schaduwgrens, Muiderslot (House Outside the Shadow Limits, Muiderslot)1989scale model: plaster, iron, iron wire and styrofoam80,0 x 29,5 x 25,0 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDuality - Theorem2015 - 2016mixed media30 x 20,5 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery - AntwerpInstallation view
Raoul De KeyserForcalquier C21993watercolour on paper24 x 32 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery - Antwerp
Photo: Johannes HaslingerCourtesy Bayerische StaatsgemäldesammlungenInstallation view
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view
Anton CorbijnJohnny Halliday, London1994inkjet print on Hahnemühle 285 grs. fine art pearl photo paper, mounted on dibond (edition of 5 + 2 AP)
Anton CorbijnKurt Cobain, Seattle1993inkjet print on Hahnemühle 285 grs. fine art pearl photo paper mounted on dibond (edition of 5 + 2 AP)
John KörmelingDrollie's Kamer (Drollie's Room)2015pencil on coloured paper21 x 29,7 cm
John KörmelingDe Wereld in Rechte Lijnen2016pencil on paper21 x 30 cm
John KörmelingDe Kloppende Kalender2017pencil on paper29 x 41,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1999watercolour on paper16 x 11 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenModerne Anesthesie (Modern Anesthesia)2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper30,5 x 40,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIl l'avait connu à port Said (He Had Known Him in Port Said)2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper30,5 x 40,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUne italienne nommée Carmen (An Italian Woman Named Carmen)2015-2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper30,5 x 40,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenI Tried to Drown My Sorrows2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper32 x 24 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSome Style Is Legendary2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper30,5 x 22,8 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for Noumena (2)2015oil, acrylic and silkscreen on paper65,5 x 45,5 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for Noumena (4)2015oil, acrylic and silkscreen on paper65,5 x 45,5 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for Noumena (3)2015oil, acrylic and silkscreen on paper65,5 x 45,5 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for Noumena (1)2015oil, acrylic and silkscreen on paper65,5 x 45,5 cm
Johannes KahrsUntitled (nude with shadow)2017charcoal and pastel on paper143,5 x 109,2 cm
Yun-Fei JiParty Secretary's Dream2015ink and watercolour on Xuan paper mounted on silk38,6 x 104,4 cm
Yun-Fei JiThe Meeting2015ink and watercolour on Xuan paper mounted on silk80,4 x 62,8 cm
Cristof YvoréUntitled2008collage, pencil and graphite on digital print27 x 39 cm
Cristof YvoréUntitled2013ballpoint pen and soft pastel on paper21,9 x 29,7 cm
Cristof YvoréUntitled2011gouache on paper14 x 11,5 cm
Jan De MaesschalckDeparture at the crack of day2016acrylic on paper68,5 x 52 cm
Jan De MaesschalckDomesticated #82015acrylic on newspaper30 x 44,4 cm
Jan De MaesschalckDomesticated #212015acrylic on newspaper30 x 22,2 cm
Anton CorbijnNick Cave (piano), London1997inkjet print on Hahnemühle 285 grs. fine art pearl photo paper, mounted on dibond (edition of 5 + 2 AP)125 x 125 cm
Bart StolleLFMS0502152015ink and pencil on paper21 x 13,2 cm
Bart StolleLFMS1508152015ink and pencil on paper13,2 x 21 cm
Bart StolleLFMS0608152015ink and pencil on paper13,2 x 21 cm
Bart StolleUntitledDBS2015_091pencil and ink on pape
Grace SchwindtThree Steel Sculptures and Salt in Corridor from Above2015pencil, acrylic on paper42 x 27,5 cm
Grace SchwindtDancer in Colour Dress2016pencil, acrylic on paper42 x 29,7 cm
Grace SchwindtFamily House2014pencil, acrylic on paper40,5 x 29,3 cm
Grace SchwindtDancer Pausing on Shape2016pencil, acrylic on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Grace SchwindtBlade2014pencil, acrylic on paper34,9 x 27,7 cm
Grace SchwindtRed Rectangle2014pencil, acrylic on paper34,2 x 27,7 cm
Grace SchwindtFigure for a Dance2015pencil, acrylic on paper42 x 29,7 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery, AntwerpInstallation view
Raoul De KeyserHellepoort 81985oil on canvas50 x 40 cm
Raoul De KeyserZürich1972 - 1974acrylic on canvas140 x 120 cm
Raoul De KeyserZes voor P (6)1986oil on canvas60 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserZeilen Heuvels 41979oil on canvas35 x 35 cm
Raoul De KeyserZeilen Heuvels1979oil on canvas70 x 90 cm
Raoul De KeyserGekruiste Krijtlijn en Spie1980acrylic on canvas150 x 200 cm
Raoul De KeyserTegendraads1978oil on canvas4 x (105 x 80 cm)
Raoul De KeyserCrimson1971acrylic on canvas30 x 40 cm
Raoul De KeyserZ.T.1973acrylic on canvas40 x 30 cm
Raoul De KeyserZ.T.1972 - 1973acrylic on canvas40 x 30 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1971acrylic and dispersion on canvas50 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserKnauw1983 - 1984oil on canvas90 x 70 cm
Raoul De KeyserTegendraads 21978oil on canvas105 x 80 cm
Raoul De KeyserTegendraads 31978oil on canvas105 x 80 cm
Raoul De KeyserTegendraads 41978oil on canvas105 x 80 cm
Raoul De KeyserTegendraads 11978oil on canvas105 x 80 cm
Photo: Peter Cox
Johannes KahrsUntitled (dark palm)2014oil on canvas201,0 x 200,0 cm
Johannes KahrsUntitled (angry girl)2013oil on canvas2 x (98,2 x 76,3)
Raoul De KeyserKanovaren (Canoeing)1967acrylic and dispersion paint on canvas150 x 120 cm
Mark MandersCollage with Fake Newspapers2008 - 2013offset print on paper, acrylic, chicken wire120 x 84 cm
Mark MandersFigure Study1997 - 2013painted wood, canvas, rope, iron165 x 40 x 30 cm
Mark MandersShadow Study2012iron, wood, painted epoxy150,5 x 52 x 65 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghDe Duizendjarige Olijfboomgaard (The Thousand-year-old Olive Grove)2013 - 2014 - 2018graphite and paint on paper, chalkboard paint and chalk on wood117 x 322,8 x 58,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserHet Niets Aangenaam Gevuld met Weinig1971acrylic on canvas190 x 190 cm
Photo: Michael WolchoverInstallation view
Kim JonesUntitled2010 - 2011acrylic and ink on photograph25,2 x 20,2 cm
Michaël BorremansNoses III2011pencil and watercolour on paper22,5 x 29,7 cm
Michaël BorremansNoses I + II2010pencil and watercolour on paper2 x (16,4 x 24,8 cm)
Bart StolleLandscape2013ink and acrylic on paper29,5 x 40,5 cm
Bart StolleMovements in space2013ink and acrylic on paper29,5 x 40,5 cm
Bart StolleCity2013ink and acrylic on paper29,5 x 40,5 cm
Bart StolleUntitled 13/22013ink on paper21 x 13,4 cm
Bart StolleHollorith 22013ink on paper21 x 13,4 cm
Bart StolleUntitled 12/22012ink and acrylic on paper21 x 13,4 cm
Bart StolleUntitled 12/052012pencil, ink and acrylic on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleUntitled 11/22011pencil and acrylic on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleAtoumat2008pencil, watercolour and acrylic on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleKeep on Tryin'2008watercolour on paper20,9 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleUntitled2008ink and pencil on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleUntitled2008watercolour on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Torso (Design for Torso)1999collage, watercolour85,5 x 30 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Torso (Design for Torso)1999collage, watercolour72 x 20,5 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Torso (Design for Torso)1999collage, watercolour76 x 23,5 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Torso (Design for Torso)1999collage, watercolour68,5 x 19,5 cm
Kim JonesUntitled2013acrylic and ink on photograph30,4 x 20,3 cm
Kim JonesUntitled1974 - 1980s- 2010acrylic and ink on photograph45,7 x 30,5 cm
Kim JonesUntitled1980 - 2010acrylic and ink on photograph45,7 x 30,3 cm
Kim JonesUntitled1999 - 2009acrylic and ink on photograph45,7 x 30,4 cm
Yun-Fei JiMarshal Peng Dehuai and His Hungry Ghosts2007mineral pigments and ink on rice paper81,5 x 173,5 cm
Mircea SuciuSelf Portrait2014charcoal on paper100 x 70 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for the Iron Curtain2013charcoal on paper150 x 184 cm
Mark MandersYellow Bathtub1997sand and glue on paper240 x 462 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoventch'eng (7 9 2012)2012mixed media77 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven3 versus 5 (10 9 2012)2012mixed media77 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled2011oil and gesso on canvas mounted on wood28 x 21 cm
Raoul De KeyserDal (Valley)1992oil on canvas82 x 67 cm
Raoul De KeyserZ1990oil on canvas55 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserBlinddoek (Blindfold)1988oil on canvas3 x (31,5 x 21,0 cm)
Raoul De KeyserLuwte (Lull)1989oil on canvas60 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserArrival2001oil on canvas74 x 96 cm
Raoul De KeyserEen schets voor...2003oil on canvas33,7 x 41,7 cm
Raoul De KeyserFall2007oil on canvas34 x 48 cm
Raoul De KeyserCrook2007oil on canvas130 x 190 cm
Raoul De KeyserDe Sprong (The Jump)1990oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserAgain2010charcoal and watercolour on canvas mounted on wood16 x 30 cm
Raoul De KeyserOverflow2012oil and gesso on canvas mounted on wood30,1 x 22,1 cm
Raoul De Keyser1994 Frank 40 - 2004 Frank 502004oil on canvas on wood22 x 22 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1988oil on aluminium195 x 120 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2002watercolour on paper24 x 32 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2004watercolour and ink on paper24 x 15,7 cm
Raoul De KeyserRed Version2004watercolour on paper18 x 26 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo titled2005watercolour on paper30,3 x 23,8 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2006watercolour on paper23 x 30,3 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2007watercolour on paper18 x 14,2 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2008watercolour on paper26 x 36 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2008watercolour on paper23 x 31 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2008watercolour on paper10 x 31 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2008watercolour on paper23 x 28,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2008watercolour on paper31 x 23 cm
Raoul De Keyser6-62001watercolour on paper17,5 x 11,8 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2001watercolour on paper14,5 x 10,9 cm
Raoul De KeyserOskar2005mixed technique on cardboard10,5 x 15 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2005watercolour on paper2 x (10,6 x 15,0 cm)
Raoul De KeyserNo title2005mixed technique on paper10,7 x 15 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2008watercolour9,5 x 14 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2008watercolour on paper8,2 x 14,8 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2008watercolour on paper5,5 x 22,3 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2005watercolour on paper10,6 x 15 cm
Raoul De KeyserDe Gelige2001linocut and watercolour on paper22 x 36 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2002watercolour on paper13,5 x 9 cm
Raoul De KeyserNo title2005mixed technique on paper7,8 x 10,1 cm
Photo: Filipe BragaCourtesy of Fundação de Serralves, PortoInstallation view
Raoul De KeyserReady2007acrylic and oil on canvas30 x 40 cm
Raoul De KeyserFallen2007acrylic and oil on canvas20,5 x 30 cm
Raoul De KeyserOpponents2007acrylic on canvas100 x 68 cm
Raoul De KeyserDuet2007acrylic on canvas56 x 77 cm
Raoul De KeyserOver2007acrylic on canvas100 x 125 cm
Raoul De KeyserMeeting2007oil and gesso on canvas190 x 253 cm
Raoul De KeyserOilyoil on canvas30 x 40 cm
Raoul De KeyserEleven2007acrylic and oil on canvas30 x 40 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery - AntwerpIntallation view
John KörmelingBetter City, Better Life, Happy Street - Het Interieur is Buiten2006pencil on paper30,0 x 42,5 cm
John KörmelingHet Nederlands Paviljoen 2010, Happy Street2006pencil on paper30 x 52 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Fluitketel (Design for Singing Teakettle)1999collage58,5 x 35 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghZelfportret (Self-portrait)1999collage56 x 38 cm
Cristof YvoréLe tapis d'Edward1993oil on canvas33,5 x 31 cm
Marlene DumasGive the People What They Want1992oil on canvas40 x 30 cm
Luc TuymansDer Diagnostische Blick IV1992oil on paper57 x 38 cm
Yun-Fei JiThe Water Buffalo2006mineral pigment on rice paper33 x 32,8 cm
Anton CorbijnBjörk, Los Angeles1994gelatin silver print handprinted on oriental Seagull paper (edition of 20)68 x 69 cm
Dirk BraeckmanA.D.F.-B.E.-032003gelatin silver print mounted on aluminium support (edition of 3 + 1 AP)180 x 120 cm
Dirk BraeckmanHinge #12006ultrachrome inkjet print on Fuji photo rag paper mounted on aluminium support (edition of 5 + 1 AP)49 x 36 cm
Mark MandersFragment from Self-Portrait as a Building1986 - 1992painted bronze, mixed media (1 of 3)variable dimensions
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHomo Bulla1983 - 1984acrylic on plexi, mounted on steel plate100,3 x 201,5 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghSchildpad (Turtle)1990turtle shell, mixed media15 x 20 x 30 cm
Michaël BorremansThe Resemblance2006oil on canvas2 x (36 x 42 cm)
Michaël BorremansWeight200535mm, 9'44", continuous loop (edition of 3 + 1 AP)35,5 x 27,5 x 4 cm
Miriam CahnKrieg1998oil on canvas(90,5 x 56,8) + (105 x 60,5) cm
Raoul De KeyserDisaster2006charcoal, oil and gesso on canvas56 x 48 cm
Raoul De KeyserFlow2006oil on canvas36 x 30 cm
Jan De MaesschalckUntitled2002acrylic on paper27,3 x 36 cm
Jan De MaesschalckUntitled2003acrylic on paper27 x 35,7 cm
Stan DouglasRookery, Burnaby2001C-print (edition of 7)125 x 171 cm
Marlene DumasTina2006oil on canvas110 x 130 cm
Marc GoethalsUntitled1986oil on canvas18 x 24 cm
Kees GoudzwaardScreen2006oil on canvas120 x 80 cm
Mary HeilmannJohngiorno1995oil on canvas196 x 146 cm
Arturo HerreraUntitled (Dia Collage)1998mixed media on paper30,5 x 22,8 cm
Yun-Fei JiTwo Men with Bags2006mineral pigment on rice paper50,5 x 39,5 cm
Kim JonesUntitled (war drawing)2005 - 2006pencil on paper63,6 x 96,3 cm
Johannes Kahrsuntitled (origine du monde)1997charcoal and pastel on paper118 x 84 cm
Johannes KahrsMik's hand2005oil on canvas52 x 62 cm
John KörmelingMeeting point2005scale model, metal11 x 38 x 20 cm
Bernd LohausUntitled1984wooden crate with silver paper44,5 x 35 x 6 cm
Mark MandersFragment from Self-Portrait as a Building1993mixed media(12 x 90 x 15,5 cm) + (24,5 x Ø11,5 cm) + (12,5 x Ø10 cm)
Arno Nollendoped at anna's Barcelona2002colour photograph (edition of 5)45,5 x 30 cm
Arno NollenTrainingsjasje2004colour photograph (edition of 5)45 x 30 cm
Avery PreesmanUntitled2000wood, concrete95 x 70 x 45 cm
Gert Robijns26 x 26 alphabet1985mixed media32,5 x 110 x 130 cm
Jenny ScobelMackerel Sky2006graphite, watercolour and wax on gessoed wood107 x 61 cm
Maria SerebriakovaUntitled1989wood161 x 41 x 53 cm
Maria SerebriakovaUntitled1989wood160 x 70 x 31 cm
Maria SerebriakovaUntitled1989wood160 x 49 x 48 cm
Maria SerebriakovaUntitled1992book sculpture with house20 x 37 x 25 cm
Maria SerebriakovaLandscape2006oil on wood45 x 35 cm
Miroslav TichyUntitled ( and white photograph16,8 x 12,4 cm
Miroslav TichyUntitled ( and white photograph17,9 x 7,9 cm
Miroslav TichyUntitled ( silver print27,2 x 19,6 cm
Luc TuymansImperméable2006oil on canvas224 x 94 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenRewritten, It Was Later to Become2005digital print, plexi and Forex41 x 75 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenChippendale (Angel in the House)2005digital print, plexi and Forex35 x 75 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenRewritten, It Was Later to Become2005Lambda print integrated in plexi lightbox41 x 75 x 14,5 cm
Cristof YvoréUntitled2006oil on canvas68,5 x 86 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp25 years Zeno X Gallery - installation view
Raoul De KeyserHayward 61992oil on canvas50 x 31,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserHayward 31993oil on canvas, gesso on wood54,8 x 31,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserHayward 61993oil on canvas55 x 31 cm
Raoul De KeyserHayward 11993oil on canvas55,3 x 31,8 cm
Raoul De KeyserTempleuve1994oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserArras1994oil on canvas61 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserZilver (Silver)1992oil on canvas82 x 67 cm
Raoul De KeyserHoek (Angle)1991 - 1992oil on canvas50 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserBleu de Ciel (Celestial Blue)1992oil on canvas122 x 90 cm
Raoul De KeyserBleu de Ciel (Celestial Blue)1992oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserVal (Fall)1992oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserNet1992oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserEinden (Ends)1992oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserDalton1990oil on canvas61 x 46 cm
Raoul De KeyserDe Blauwe V (The Blue V)1990oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserInval (Invasion)1990oil on canvas165 x 123 cm
Raoul De KeyserKerf (Notch)1989oil on canvas158 x 140 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1988oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
Raoul De KeyserZonder titel (Golfbreker) (Untitled [Breakwater])1988oil on canvas90 x 122 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1988oil on canvas167 x 124 cm
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, United States of America Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, United States of America Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands CNAP Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris, France Colby College Art Museum, Waterville, United States of America De Pont, Museum for Contemporary Art, Tilburg, The Netherlands FRAC Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France Groeningemuseum, Bruges, Belgium Groninger Museum, Groningen, The Netherlands Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany Museu Serralves, Porto, Portugal M HKA Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp, Belgium M WOODS, Beijing, China Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, Belgium Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, United States of America MoMA Museum of Modern Art, New York, United States of America Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium Museum van Deinze en de Leiestreek, Deinze, Belgium Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent, Belgium The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, United States of America Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany RMFAB Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium Rubell Family Collection, Miami, United States of America SFMOMA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, United States of America S.M.A.K. Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany Stiftung Kunstmuseum, St.Gallen, Switzerland Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, United Kingdom
“De internationale taal van Raoul De Keyser” De Tijd, article by Koen Van Boxem January 2023
“Raoul De Keyser internationaal omringd in nieuwe tentoonstelling: ‘Hij vertoefde graag in goed gezelschap'” De Morgen, article by Sofie Van Hyfte January 2023
“Raoul De Keyser zet de lijnen uit. De school van De Keyser” De Standaard, article by Geert Van der Speeten (p.5) December 2022
“Raoul De Keyser. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent, Belgium” Artforum, vol.57, no.6, article by Barry Schwabsky (p.168) February 2019
“Raoul De Keyser: Less Is More” Frieze, no.200, article by Mitch Speed December 2018
“Painters Love Raoul De Keyser. Now the Market is Catching Up”, article by Scott Indrisek (online) November 2017
“Passages – Raoul De Keyser (1930-2012)”, article by Rebecca Morris (online) January 2013
“Schilderijen moeten hun plan trekken. Schilderijen liegen en verdoezelen. Schilder Raoul De Keyser krijgt overzichtsexpo in De Loketten van het Vlaams Parlement” De Morgen, article by Eric Rinckhout (p.49-54) 19 March 2011
“Ambiguity abounds. Raoul De Keyser used to be a sports commentator. Now he makes abstract paintings about Kansas gunslingers” The Guardian, article by Adrian Searle (p.16) April 2004
MER Paper KunsthalleGhent, Belgium, 201863 pages, ISBN 9789493045071
MercatorfondsBrussels, Belgium, 2018240 pages, ISBN 9789462302365
A & S Books on Architecture and ArtsGhent, Belgium, 201760 pages, ISBN 9789076714509
LudionAntwerp, Belgium, 201248 pages, ISBN 9789461170101
Hatje CantzOstfildern, Germany, 2009159 pages, ISBN 9783775724890
Museum voor Schone KunstenGhent, Belgium, 2009151 pages, ISBN 9789081180801
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther KönigCologne, Germany, 200980 pages, ISBN 9783865606280
FRAC Auvergne - Fonds Régional d'Art ContemporainAuvergne, France, 200896 pages
LudionGhent, Belgium, 2007255 pages, ISBN 9789055447091
De Muyter N.V.Deinze, Belgium, 200732 pages, ISBN 9789081048569
Cornerhouse PublicationsLondon, United Kingdom, 2004176 pages, ISBN 0854881360
Ludion / CERA HoldingGhent, Belgium, 2000224 pages, ISBN 9055442860