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Jan De Maesschalck
Selected works

● Jan De Maesschalck

Selected works

Jan De Maesschalck

Jan De Maesschalck at TheMerode, Brussels


TheMerode, Brussels, Belgium
August 1, 2023 - March 30, 2024

ZENO X GALLERY - Jan De Maesschalck at TheMerode, Brussels

Jan De Maesschalck at VANDENHOVE Centre for Architecture and Art


VANDENHOVE Centre for Architecture and Art, Ghent, Belgium
April 20 - June 17, 2023

ZENO X GALLERY - Jan De Maesschalck at VANDENHOVE Centre for Architecture and Art

Jan De Maesschalck: public mural


GvR Vlaamse Ardennen
Sint-Lievens-Esse, Belgium

ZENO X GALLERY - Jan De Maesschalck: public mural

Jan De Maesschalck at Art Autun


Musée Rolin & Panopticon, Autun, France
July 4 - September 27, 2020

ZENO X GALLERY - Jan De Maesschalck at Art Autun

Jan De Maesschalck at Kolvenburg, Billerbeck


Munsterland Festival, Kolvenburg, Billerbeck
September 17 - November 1, 2015

ZENO X GALLERY - Jan De Maesschalck at Kolvenburg, Billerbeck

● Jan De Maesschalck


Jan De Maesschalck

Jan De Maesschalck, b. 1958 in Sint-Gillis-Waas (BE), lives and works in Stekene (BE).

Jan De Maesschalck is a Belgian figurative painter who observes, selects, interprets and fantasizes. He started his career as a draughtsman for different newspapers and (art) magazines. The images of the figures he portrays are taken from the media, from which he then selects specific fragments to create his own images. In the creation of his paintings, he maintains the technical precision and speed of the drawing thanks to his use of fast-drying acrylic paint. De Maesschalk often depicts women in isolated settings and specific architectural spaces, subjects that create an impression of intimacy or melancholy. His work is subtle and highly suggestive. The tension lies in the artist’s fascination with light and shadow and his eye for detail.

Jan De Maesschalck has had solo exhibitions at Münsterland Festival (Billerbeck) and Mu.ZEE (Ostend). His work has featured in group shows at Phoenix Art Museum, Bozar (Brussels), Musée d’Art Contemporain (Marseilles), Museum Dr. Guislain (Ghent), Berardo Collection Museum (Lisbon), De Warande (Turnhout) and Museum of Elsene/Ixelles (Brussels).

Jan De Maesschalck joined the gallery in 2002.

● Jan De Maesschalck


Jan De Maesschalck
Jan De Maesschalck, Paulo Monteiro, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 06.05 - 24.06 2023
Jan De Maesschalck, Paulo Monteiro, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 06.05 - 24.06 2023
Jan De Maesschalck, Paulo Monteiro, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 06.05 - 24.06 2023
Jan De Maesschalck, Paulo Monteiro, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 06.05 - 24.06 2023

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck, Paulo Monteiro, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 06.05 - 24.06 2023
N. Dash, Jan De Maesschalck, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Kees Goudzwaard, Susan Hartnett, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Naoto Kawahara, Martin Margiela, Philip Metten, Paulo Monteiro, Jockum Nordström, Marina Rheingantz, Pietro Roccasalva, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Jack Whitten
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the two-thousands
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 24.09 - 12.11 2022
N. Dash, Jan De Maesschalck, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Kees Goudzwaard, Susan Hartnett, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Naoto Kawahara, Martin Margiela, Philip Metten, Paulo Monteiro, Jockum Nordström, Marina Rheingantz, Pietro Roccasalva, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Jack Whitten
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the two-thousands
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 24.09 - 12.11 2022
N. Dash, Jan De Maesschalck, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Kees Goudzwaard, Susan Hartnett, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Naoto Kawahara, Martin Margiela, Philip Metten, Paulo Monteiro, Jockum Nordström, Marina Rheingantz, Pietro Roccasalva, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Jack Whitten
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the two-thousands
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 24.09 - 12.11 2022
N. Dash, Jan De Maesschalck, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Kees Goudzwaard, Susan Hartnett, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Naoto Kawahara, Martin Margiela, Philip Metten, Paulo Monteiro, Jockum Nordström, Marina Rheingantz, Pietro Roccasalva, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Jack Whitten
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the two-thousands
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 24.09 - 12.11 2022

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

N. Dash, Jan De Maesschalck, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Kees Goudzwaard, Susan Hartnett, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Naoto Kawahara, Martin Margiela, Philip Metten, Paulo Monteiro, Jockum Nordström, Marina Rheingantz, Pietro Roccasalva, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Jack Whitten
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the two-thousands
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 24.09 - 12.11 2022
Jan De Maesschalck
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From Now On
Zeno X Gallery | 20.03 - 27.04 2019
Jan De Maesschalck
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From Now On
Zeno X Gallery | 20.03 - 27.04 2019
Jan De Maesschalck
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From Now On
Zeno X Gallery | 20.03 - 27.04 2019
Jan De Maesschalck
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From Now On
Zeno X Gallery | 20.03 - 27.04 2019

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck
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From Now On
Zeno X Gallery | 20.03 - 27.04 2019

● From Now On


‘So you must always look at the paintings of Jan De Maesschalck at least twice. Besides, the devil is in the detail, and that’s a good thing. The painter proceeds with subtlety. Not everything happens on the surface, far from it, and whoever takes the time to look slowly will notice that the power of these works lies in their suggestiveness. There is almost always a sense of undefined menace. Everything can come crashing down, but you never know if or when that’s going to happen. Something can go off the rails, a secret can come to light.’ (from ‘leeslust / kijkzucht’ by essayist Eric Min)

From Now On is the fifth exhibition of Jan De Maesschalck (b. 1958, Sint-Gillis-Waas) at Zeno X Gallery.

De Maesschalck draws inspiration from his personal image archive: a collection of files with his own photos that can lead to new works. He also clips illustrations that intrigue him from magazines and newspapers. His own sketches and collages can also form the basis for new work. He deliberately seeks accidental developments that emerge during the painting process. He describes them as alert phases that can end well or badly. De Maesschalck works in daylight; that is why the falling of the dusk, with its changing light, is an important motif in his oeuvre.

Untitled (Asperger’s) emerged while photographing a ‘frozen’ shot from a detective series on TV. De Maesschalck ‘cropped’ a portrait of the lead actress out of the blueish, colourless shot, and through painting, transformed the colour palette into warm tones, with more yellow, umber and violet-pink strokes. The panel is now bathed in seductive light. Although colour is used summarily and in a subdued manner in his work, it is nevertheless essential.

Light also played an important role in the creation of the diptych Clay Pit. The right-hand panel is a free interpretation after a portrait of Georges de la Tour. While he was painting it, De Maesschalck’s attic studio grew darker and darker. By contrast, the left-hand panel, which had already been completed, gave off a subdued light. In the morning, it became clear that both panels belonged together.

The Squeaky Sand series is based on photos that De Maesschalck made of voyeuristic films. The title of the work refers to the silica sand that ‘squeaks’ at the slightest movement. De Maesschalck also emphasizes the intervention of another medium by rendering the blur of the lens.

The title of the exhibition, From Now On, refers for De Maesschalck to that moment of euphoria that an artist experiences when he feels that he has completed good work; he then has the impression that, ‘from now on’, things will go better. This impression enables the artist to believe time and again in a new idea and to find the energy to develop this idea, unmindful of the possibility of failure.

The work of Jan De Maesschalck has been shown in exhibitions at Museu Berardo in Lisbon, the Musée d’Art Contemporain in Marseilles, the Phoenix Art Museum in Phoenix, Mu.ZEE in Ostend, Museum Dr Guislain in Ghent, De Warande in Turnhout, the Museum of Ixelles and the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. His work is sought after by many private collectors, but has also entered the collections of MOCA in Los Angeles, Museum Dr Guislain in Ghent and Mu.ZEE in Ostend.

Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Luc Tuymans
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four times sixty - anniversary exhibition
Zeno X Gallery | 15.09 - 13.10 2018
Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Luc Tuymans
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four times sixty - anniversary exhibition
Zeno X Gallery | 15.09 - 13.10 2018
Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Luc Tuymans
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four times sixty - anniversary exhibition
Zeno X Gallery | 15.09 - 13.10 2018
Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Luc Tuymans
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four times sixty - anniversary exhibition
Zeno X Gallery | 15.09 - 13.10 2018

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Luc Tuymans
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four times sixty - anniversary exhibition
Zeno X Gallery | 15.09 - 13.10 2018
Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Yun-Fei Ji, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 24.02 2018
Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Yun-Fei Ji, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 24.02 2018
Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Yun-Fei Ji, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 24.02 2018
Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Yun-Fei Ji, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 24.02 2018

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Yun-Fei Ji, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 24.02 2018
Jan De Maesschalck, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle
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Jan De Maesschalck - Johannes Kahrs - Grace Schwindt - Bart Stolle
Zeno X Gallery | 19.05 - 01.07 2017
Jan De Maesschalck, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle
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Jan De Maesschalck - Johannes Kahrs - Grace Schwindt - Bart Stolle
Zeno X Gallery | 19.05 - 01.07 2017
Jan De Maesschalck, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle
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Jan De Maesschalck - Johannes Kahrs - Grace Schwindt - Bart Stolle
Zeno X Gallery | 19.05 - 01.07 2017
Jan De Maesschalck, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle
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Jan De Maesschalck - Johannes Kahrs - Grace Schwindt - Bart Stolle
Zeno X Gallery | 19.05 - 01.07 2017

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck, Johannes Kahrs, Grace Schwindt, Bart Stolle
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Jan De Maesschalck - Johannes Kahrs - Grace Schwindt - Bart Stolle
Zeno X Gallery | 19.05 - 01.07 2017
Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 20.01 - 27.02 2016
Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 20.01 - 27.02 2016
Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 20.01 - 27.02 2016
Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 20.01 - 27.02 2016

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 20.01 - 27.02 2016

● Domesticated


‘Domesticated’, the fourth solo exhibition of Belgian artist Jan De Maesschalck in Antwerp, brings together a unique series of new works.

Two years ago, when De Maesschalck’s parental house was cleared out, the artist discovered in the attic a stack of old newspaper cartoon sections he used to read as a child. They ended up in his studio and when he started looking through them in the spring of 2015, he noticed how certain images had ingrained themselves into his memory. Also, it appeared to him that the patina of the fragile paper would serve as an ideal base tone for skin colour. The papers became the carriers for a new series in which the printed images, like tattoos, shimmer through a number of intriguing gazes. He reads the paper, the printed image, and eliminates and creates. With accurate speed he paints portraits with diluted acrylic paint. The fictional characters are lost in thought or hint at, whether consciously or not, associations with that which is visible to them but which nonetheless remains hidden from us. As always, De Maesschalck manages to stimulate our imagination.

The domestic origins of this new series already largely explain the emotional charge of the title which nonetheless hides another meaning as well. When, after a long time, an animal, plant or human being adapts to its environment, this is referred to as domesticated or tamed behaviour. This also applies to the social adaptation of the human being. The artist says the following about this in the context of today’s society:

‘This socially adapted training and man’s empathic capacity still appears to be, unfortunately, even in this 21st century, a thin top layer, a thin skin, through which the distress, caused and controlled by cruel and ruthless human power, shines like an eternal destiny.’

The exhibition is interspersed with works that connect with the production of the artist of the last two years and which are also presented in the catalogue ‘Jan De Maesschalck 2005-2014’. The characters are unaware of the viewer, but form part of a familiar environment. Women continue to play a leading role while the recognizable references to the book or books have disappeared.

Jan De Maesschalck was invited in 2015 for a solo exhibition during the Münsterland Festival in Germany. Previously, he has exhibited works at the Phoenix Art Museum in the United States, Mu.ZEE in Ostend, the Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent, De Warande in Turnhout, the Museum of Ixelles and the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. His work is collected by numerous private collectors but also forms part of the collections of LA MOCA, the Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent and Mu.ZEE in Ostend.

Jan De Maesschalck
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Kolvenburg, Billerbeck, Germany | 17.09 - 01.11 2015
Jan De Maesschalck
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Kolvenburg, Billerbeck, Germany | 17.09 - 01.11 2015
Jan De Maesschalck
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Kolvenburg, Billerbeck, Germany | 17.09 - 01.11 2015
Jan De Maesschalck
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Kolvenburg, Billerbeck, Germany | 17.09 - 01.11 2015

● Solo exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck
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Kolvenburg, Billerbeck, Germany | 17.09 - 01.11 2015

● Jan De Maesschalck


curator: Christine Sörries

Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Susan Hartnett, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Jockum Nordström, Pietro Roccasalva, Luc Tuymans, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 21.01 - 28.02 2015
Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Susan Hartnett, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Jockum Nordström, Pietro Roccasalva, Luc Tuymans, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 21.01 - 28.02 2015
Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Susan Hartnett, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Jockum Nordström, Pietro Roccasalva, Luc Tuymans, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 21.01 - 28.02 2015
Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Susan Hartnett, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Jockum Nordström, Pietro Roccasalva, Luc Tuymans, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 21.01 - 28.02 2015

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Susan Hartnett, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Jockum Nordström, Pietro Roccasalva, Luc Tuymans, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 21.01 - 28.02 2015
Jan De Maesschalck
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The Distance
Zeno X Gallery | 11.06 - 05.07 2014
Jan De Maesschalck
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The Distance
Zeno X Gallery | 11.06 - 05.07 2014
Jan De Maesschalck
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The Distance
Zeno X Gallery | 11.06 - 05.07 2014
Jan De Maesschalck
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The Distance
Zeno X Gallery | 11.06 - 05.07 2014

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck
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The Distance
Zeno X Gallery | 11.06 - 05.07 2014

● The Distance


Zeno X Gallery has the pleasure to announce the third solo exhibition of Jan De Maesschalck (°1958, Sint- Gillis-Waas, BE). The exhibition brings together recent works that evince clear shifts in the artist’s approach in comparison with his earlier work. He remains faithful to painting with acrylic paint on paper, which allows him to work quickly and directly, yet the familiar scenes with literary references and quirky, subtle humour have been replaced by landscapes and threatening scenes in which light plays an increasingly important role. The evoked sense of silence is suggestive and feeds the imagination and narrative power of the viewer. In the new work, the apparent sense of stillness forebodes a critical moment, as if the tranquil whole is about to be disrupted at any moment. The short-haired girl in ‘The Prejudice’ looks suspiciously to her side, apparently noticing something that is not seen by the others. In this scene, the gaze of the viewer is led to a place outside the work. In these works, the artist pays more attention to the detailing of the faces and focuses mainly on the play between light and shadow. The less elaborated busts and backgrounds play a subordinate role and become almost abstract elements in a figurative painting. The search for the boundary between figuration and abstraction comes to a culmination in ‘Untitled (cocklebur)’. Here, a thistle-like plant takes up almost the entire picture plane, making it almost impossible to determine that which is depicted. Clarity is blurred in ‘Untitled (waiting room)’ as well; the body of the woman fades almost completely into the background.

With a title like ‘The Distance’, De Maesschalck already reveals his relationship to his subjects. He rarely takes a camera in hand and one will be hard pressed to ever find a living model in his studio. De Maesschalck is an artist who walks, observes, selects, interprets and fantasizes. A work emerges after a succession of phases and intensive research. He prefers to take inspiration from photographs found in newspapers and magazines, and also the Internet is a rich source of usable visual material. Yet De Maesschalck is also connected to his native region of Waasland, where he still lives and works. The work ‘Untitled (Coudenborm)’, for example, depicts an old barn the artist has known for his entire life that has, however, fallen into ruin. (The building is said to be on the site of the later Boudelo Abbey in Klein-Sinaai.) This work is a tribute to his deceased father who would tell him fascinating stories from the region. The painting is not the only landscape in this selection of works. To De Maesschalck, landscape painting is a genre full of obstacles, but it is precisely this challenge that appeals to him. ‘Untitled’ (2014) is a fictional mountain landscape that recalls the work of the 17th-century masters of Chinese picture painting. In their work, they sought to reveal the essence of nature but, according to De Maesschalck, also depicted its inherent disharmony. De Maesschalck is a painter for whom beauty is not a taboo, but its opposite is not either. Although the landscape as a topic seems to become increasingly more important in this new series of works, there is still room for eroticism as in ‘Untitled’ (Cadzand)’.

In his painting, De Maesschalck’s effectuates various shifts, creating, in this way, a different intensity in the image. The spatial distance, the perspective, in figurative images is very determining. In a work like ‘Untitled (confidential)’ he employs a bird’s eye view, while in ‘Untitled (Coudenborm)’ he rather adopts a frog’s perspective. The Maesschalck also uses different zooms. In ‘The Distance’ the gaze wanders through an abandoned favela, split by a river or brook. The modern apartment building in the background stands in stark contrast to the dilapidated suburb. The contrast, in this way, emphasizes the social differences that exist in a city. The artist mainly utilises this broad and distant gaze in his painted landscapes. People, and especially women, are rather portrayed up close. In ‘A Naturalist’ we are presented with a close-up view of a man. In this portrait, the artist emphasizes shadows and details. The period to which an image refers can also create a sense of distance. ‘Untitled (privileged)’ for instance, shows a scene with dressed-up women, presumably spectators at a horse race, wearing ornate hats. Their attire, but also that of the male riders, takes us back to the 19th century. Here again, De Maesschalck controls the gaze of the characters; none of them look in the same direction.

A new solo catalogue will be published by Hannibal on the occasion of the exhibition, with texts by Bernard Dewulf and Eric Rinckhout.

Recently, work by Jan De Maesschalck was included in group exhibitions at Museum Dr. Guislain, Gent (BE), Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix (U.S.), De Warande, Turnhout (BE), Museum of Ixelles, Ixelles (BE) and Bozar in Brussels (BE).

Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013
Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Bart Stolle, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Artists of the gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 11.05 - 09.06 2012
Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Bart Stolle, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Artists of the gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 11.05 - 09.06 2012
Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Bart Stolle, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Artists of the gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 11.05 - 09.06 2012
Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Bart Stolle, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Artists of the gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 11.05 - 09.06 2012

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Kees Goudzwaard, Bart Stolle, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Artists of the gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 11.05 - 09.06 2012
Jan De Maesschalck, Jockum Nordström, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 09.12 2011 - 21.01 2012
Jan De Maesschalck, Jockum Nordström, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 09.12 2011 - 21.01 2012
Jan De Maesschalck, Jockum Nordström, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 09.12 2011 - 21.01 2012
Jan De Maesschalck, Jockum Nordström, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 09.12 2011 - 21.01 2012

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck, Jockum Nordström, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 09.12 2011 - 21.01 2012
Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 01.12 2007
Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 01.12 2007
Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 01.12 2007
Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 01.12 2007

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 01.12 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006
Jan De Maesschalck
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Drawings 1999-2002
Zeno X Gallery | 13.09 - 21.09 2002
Jan De Maesschalck
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Drawings 1999-2002
Zeno X Gallery | 13.09 - 21.09 2002
Jan De Maesschalck
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Drawings 1999-2002
Zeno X Gallery | 13.09 - 21.09 2002
Jan De Maesschalck
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Drawings 1999-2002
Zeno X Gallery | 13.09 - 21.09 2002

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Jan De Maesschalck
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Drawings 1999-2002
Zeno X Gallery | 13.09 - 21.09 2002

● Jan De Maesschalck


Jan De Maesschalck
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Zeno X Gallery exhibitions


Selected solo exhibitions

Cartoonfestival Knokke-Heist, Rubensplein, Knokke-Heist, Belgium
Jan De Maesschalck, PMMK, Ostend, Belgium
Jan De Maesschalck (selection of the book), De Bottelarij, Brussels, Belgium
Overzicht 1988-2001, De Velinx, Tongeren, Belgium
Omtrent Boeken, Vlaams Centrum Openbare Bibliotheken, Belgium
Recente Schilderijen, Gallery Luc Heyvaert, Ghent, Belgium
Perstekenwerk, Foyer Stadsschouwburg, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Tekeningen uit De Standaard Magazine, Waterfront Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
Ingeprent of glad vergeten, FNAC-EXPO, Antwerp, Belgium
Fotomontages, Gallery S. De Buck, Ghent, Belgium
Fotomontages, Gallery Ecru, Ghent, Belgium

Selected group exhibitions

Shōkakkō, TheMerode, Brussels, Belgium
The World Beyond The House, Museumhuis Lucien De Gheus, Poperinge, Belgium
Beelden van de Boekentoren, VANDENHOVE Centre for Architecture and Art, Ghent, Belgium
Stille Levens, Venetiaanse Gaanderijen, Ostend, Belgium
Kunstenaarsportretten, De Koolputten, Waasmunster, Belgium
Honger, SteM Zwijgershoek, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
"Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme", Autun, France
Quel Amour!?, Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisbon, Portugal
Hugo Claus, Con Amore, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Quel Amour!?, Musée d’Art Contemporaine de Marseille, Marseille, France
Hugo Claus, Con Amore, BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Kopf und Kragen, Galerie der Stadt Backnang, Backnang, Germany
Der zweite Blick - Sammlung Broska, Kunsthalle des Kunsthauses Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany
Donkere kamers, Over melancholie en depressie, Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent, Belgium
War and Trauma, Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent, Belgium
Collection Presentation of Blake Byrne, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, United States of America
Weg van Vlaanderen, De Warande, Turnhout, Belgium
Vrouwenkuren, Ipsoc, Kortrijk, Belgium
The Power of Drawing, Galerie Geukens & De Vil, Antwerp, Belgium
Antverpia. European Championship of Philately, Antwerp Expo, Antwerp, Belgium
Pijn, Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent, Belgium
Visionair België, c’est arrivé près de chez nous, BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Dubbel-tentoonstelling: Jan De Maesschalck / Lebuïn D’Haese, Gemeentehuis Stekene, Stekene, Belgium

Public collections

MOCA The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, United States of America
Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium
Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent, Belgium
Stedelijk Museum Zwijgershoek, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium


“Kunstschilder Jan De Maesschalck: ‘Ik ben niet iemand die zit te wachten op een muze'”
Knack Weekend, article by Nathalie Le Blanc (p.59)
November 2017

“De stilte is onderhuids aanwezig in mijn werk”
Papilio Magazine, interview by Bert Coppens (online)
July 2017

“Jan De Maesschalck: ”t Is beter dat je een depressie voelt aankomen dan dat ze je overvalt”
Humo, no. 3851/26, article by Rundy Vandendaele (p.124-129)
June 2014

“Jan De Maesschalck in Zeno X. ‘Pas achteraf zie ik de somberheid'”
<H>ART, no.128, article by Marc Ruyters (p.3-6)
June 2014

“Jan De Maesschalck schildert als een schrijver”
De Morgen, article by Eric Min
June 2014

“De anekdote wekt de poëzie. Over het werk van Jan De Maesschalck”
Ons Erfdeel, no.4, article by Bernard Dewulf (p.72-73)
November 2013

“Beelden zonder bijschrift. De Antwerpse galerie Zeno X toont werk van Jan de Maesschalck”
Knack, jg. 37, no.48, article by Danny Ilegems (p.78-79)
November/December 2007

“De sublieme alleenheid / sublime solitude. Jan De Maesschalck”
Publication with texts by Rudy Vandendaele, Marc Ruyters, Bernard Dewulf and Jeroen Laureyns

“Een milde tot cynische kritiek op de kunst. Schilderijtjes van Jan De Maesschalck in Oostends Museum”
De Tijd, article by Jeroen Laureyns (p.21)
9 April 2005

“Gesprek met tekenaar-schilder Jan De Maesschalck – Tekeningen zijn puzzels waar je moet uitkomen”
De Morgen, article by Bernard Dewulf (p.6-8)
30 October 2002

Jan De Maesschalck
Jan De Maesschalck: De sublieme alleenheid

Leuven, Belgium, 2006
152 pages, ISBN 9077459218

Oogachtend<br />Leuven, Belgium, 2006<br />152 pages, ISBN 9077459218
Jan De Maesschalck

Leuven, Belgium, 2002
150 pages

Oogachtend<br />Leuven, Belgium, 2002<br />150 pages

● Jan De Maesschalck
