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Mark Manders
Selected works

● Mark Manders

Selected works

Mark Manders

Mark Manders at Woning Van Wassenhove, Sint-Martens-Latem


Woning Van Wassenhove, Sint-Martens-Latem (Belgium)
September 20 - November 19, 2023

ZENO X GALLERY - Mark Manders at Woning Van Wassenhove, Sint-Martens-Latem

Mark Manders: new acquisition

Work by Mark Manders is now part of the collection of the Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art (Japan). The museum acquired the work Composition with Four Yellow Verticals (2017 - 2019) which was on view at Kanazawa in the exhibition "Double Silence" (2020).

ZENO X GALLERY - Mark Manders: new acquisition

Mark Manders: new publication


Published by Zeno X Books, Hannibal & Wather und Franz König, 2022

ZENO X GALLERY - Mark Manders: new publication

Mark Manders at Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo


Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
July 17 – October 17, 2021

ZENO X GALLERY - Mark Manders at Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo

Mark Manders at Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo


Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
March 20 - June 20, 2021

ZENO X GALLERY - Mark Manders at Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo

Mark Manders & Luc Tuymans in conversation

Mark Manders & Luc Tuymans in conversation for ArtReview.

Mark Manders & Michaël Borremans at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa


21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
September 19, 2020 - February 28, 2021

ZENO X GALLERY - Mark Manders & Michaël Borremans at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa

Mark Manders at Bonnefanten, Maastricht


Bonnefanten, Maastricht, The Netherlands
February 4 - August 23, 2020

ZENO X GALLERY - Mark Manders at Bonnefanten, Maastricht

Mark Manders at Public Art Fund, Central Park, New York


Public Art Fund, Central Park, New York, United States of America
March 6 - September 1, 2019

ZENO X GALLERY - Mark Manders at Public Art Fund, Central Park, New York

● Mark Manders


● News video

Mark Manders & Luc Tuymans in conversation

Mark Manders & Luc Tuymans in conversation for ArtReview.

Mark Manders

Mark Manders, b. 1968 in Volkel (NL), lives and works in Ronse (BE).

Since 1986, Mark Manders has been working on his Self-Portrait as a Building. His oeuvre, which consists of sculptures, publications, graphic work and drawings, resembles a fictional building, divided into separate rooms and levels whose size and shape can never exactly be determined. Potential shifts and extensions constantly threaten the cohesion of the ever-expanding self-portrait. There is neither beginning nor end. It is impossible to organize or date his works chronologically based on visual clues. Manders strives for timelessness and universality by using archetypal forms and familiar-looking materials such as clay, steel and wood.

Seats, chairs and chimneys are carefully created or recreated in function of the work and, where necessary, reduced to 88 per cent of their original size. Blurring the line between reality and illusion, it often becomes difficult to tell when Manders is actually integrating natural wood or just a painted wood imitation. This also applies to the androgynous figures or faces that seem to have been fashioned out of wet clay, creating the impression that they just left the artist’s studio or, conversely, were abandoned by the artist mid-work. The persona of Mark Manders is never recognizably demonstrated. Manders always positions himself in this undefined in-between space, further deepening the mystery of the Self-Portrait as a Building.

Mark Manders has had solo exhibitions at Museum of Contemporary Art (Tokyo), Bonnefanten (Maastricht), Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea (Santiago de Compostela), Collezione Maramotti (Reggio Emilia), De Vleeshal (Middelburg), Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain (Nîmes), IMMA (Dublin), The Art Institute of Chicago, Renaissance Society (Chicago), Pinakothek der Moderne (Munich), Hammer Museum (Los Angeles), Aspen Art Museum, Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Dallas Museum of Art, Kunstverein Hannover, Bergen Kunsthall, S.M.A.K. (Ghent) and Kunsthaus Zürich.

Mark Manders represented the Netherlands at the Venice Biennale in 2013. He has also participated in the Rennes Biennale (2016), the Athens Biennale (2007), Manifesta (2004) and again the Venice Biennale (2001). His work has featured in group shows at Fondazione Prada (Milan), Museu Berardo (Lisbon), Marta Herford, WIELS (Brussels), Museum Voorlinden (Wassenaar), Kunstmuseum Bonn, Louvre (Paris), S.M.A.K. (Ghent), Guggenheim Museum (New York), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), 21er Haus (Vienna), The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (Hartford), The Menil Collection (Houston), David Roberts Arts Foundation (London), MoMA (New York), ICA Philadelphia, DESTE Foundation (Athens) and Kunsthalle Bern.

In 2019 the Public Art Fund commissioned Mark Manders to create a large public sculpture for the Doris C. Freedman Plaza in Central Park, New York. He has also created large outdoor sculptural installations for the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and the Rokin Square in Amsterdam.

Mark Manders joined the gallery in 1994.

● Mark Manders


Mark Manders
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 12.09 - 15.10 2022
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 12.09 - 15.10 2022
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 12.09 - 15.10 2022
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 12.09 - 15.10 2022

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 12.09 - 15.10 2022

● Mark Manders


Zeno X Gallery and Mark Manders are celebrating twenty-eight years of collaboration with the artist’s seventh solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of the artist’s practice, consisting of installations, sculptures, works on paper and drawings.

Mark Manders has been working on his ‘Self-Portrait as a Building’ since 1986. His oeuvre, which he regards as a fictitious building, consists of separate rooms and floors whose size and shape cannot be determined with precision. The building is permanently under construction and at the same time always complete in the state it is in at the moment. Manders strives for timelessness and universality by making use of archetypal forms and recognizable materials such as clay, steel and wood. This makes it impossible to place his works in a chronological order on the basis of visual characteristics.

The artist’s work straddles the border between truth and fiction. Wood and clay, but also pencils or cups, often turn out to be imitations in bronze or epoxy. His androgynous heads seem unfinished, as if the artist had abandoned them halfway through the creation process. At the same time, they seem to have always existed. 

Room with All Existing Words further explores the grey zone between reality and illusion. Above the entrance to the room, the artist has attached his Notional Newspapers. These self-made dailies contain all the words of the English language, each word occurring only once and placed in a random order. Out of all these words, he has chosen to dedicate a monumental work to the obscure word ‘skiapode’ (Greek for ‘shadow foot’), a fantastic creature that uses its giant foot to shelter from the sun. Manders was inspired by the few known images of this mythical figure, which is said to have appeared repeatedly throughout history. What fascinates the artist is that people once believed that skiapodes really existed, but also that the human mind is capable of inventing such creatures. For this installation, Manders created numerous skiapode images. They each show a strong affinity with existing works of art from various art-historical periods, thereby blurring the distinction between fact and fiction even further. 

The myth is further elaborated on a Wikipedia page that was written by the artist and which can be accessed via a QR code. The far-reaching meticulousness of the connections that the skiapode myth is said to have in history also raises the question of whether this mythical creature really existed.

For a long time, Manders only allowed those colours to be used in his work that were specific to the materials. The green-blue tints that dominate this show were chosen by the artist because they cannot be defined by language. They often appear in combination with the self-made newspapers that contain all the words of the English language, such as Cloud Study (with All Existing Words) and Composition with Two Colours. He has also used these colours to create landscapes such as Landscape Fragment, Landscape with Typewriter and various night scenes. The theme of the landscape is further elaborated in the sculpture in the modernist style Cloud Study (with All Existing Words) and in Field
, in which he brings together colours of the sky at different times of the day in a composition that is, literally, precisely balanced.

Manders is a poet who composes with images rather than words. In Short Sentence and Short Sentence with All Existing Words, the artist builds sentences by placing different objects next to each other and connecting them. Finished Sentence resembles a machine that generates ideas according to its own logic and pronounces them in a language of tea bags. It is up to the viewer to interpret these sentences and give them meaning.

Landscape with Falling Cups and Girl with Falling Earring are conceived by Manders as three-dimensional paintings that capture an almost intangible moment in time. The image of a falling object does not exist as such in reality, but it can be thought and therefore represented. By capturing these thoughts in images that in turn generate new thoughts and images, he attempts to gain insight into the fascinating way in which the human mind functions.

Mark Manders has had solo exhibitions at Museum of Contemporary Art (Tokyo), Bonnefanten (Maastricht), Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea (Santiago de Compostela), Collezione Maramotti (Reggio Emilia), De Vleeshal (Middelburg), Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain (Nîmes), IMMA (Dublin), The Art Institute of Chicago, The Renaissance Society (Chicago), Pinakothek der Moderne (Munich), Hammer Museum (Los Angeles), Aspen Art Museum, Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Dallas Museum of Art, Kunstverein Hannover, Kunsthall Bergen, S.M.A.K. (Ghent) and Kunsthaus Zürich. He represented the Netherlands at the Venice Biennale in 2013.

Work by Mark Manders has entered the permanent collections of MoMA (New York), Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York), Museum Voorlinden (Wassenaar), Bonnefanten (Maastricht), Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto), The Art Institute of Chicago, Carnegie Museum of Art (Pittsburgh), Centraal Museum (Utrecht), Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea (Santiago de Compostela), Dallas Museum of Art, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (Turin), IMMA (Dublin), MCA Chicago, Kunstmuseum Bonn, LA MOCA (Los Angeles), Moderna Museet (Stockholm), M HKA (Antwerp), MMK Arnhem, Noordbrabants Museum (‘s Hertogenbosch), Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pinakothek der Moderne (Munich), Museum of Contemporary Art (Tokyo), Mu.ZEE (Ostend), S.M.A.K. (Ghent), San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam), Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven), The Menil Collection (Houston), Hammer Museum (Los Angeles) and Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford).

Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Marlene Dumas, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Cristof Yvoré
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the nineties
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 02.04 - 20.08 2022
Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Marlene Dumas, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Cristof Yvoré
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the nineties
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 02.04 - 20.08 2022
Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Marlene Dumas, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Cristof Yvoré
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the nineties
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 02.04 - 20.08 2022
Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Marlene Dumas, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Cristof Yvoré
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the nineties
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 02.04 - 20.08 2022

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Marlene Dumas, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Cristof Yvoré
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40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the nineties
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South | 02.04 - 20.08 2022

● 40 Years Zeno X Gallery - the nineties


Zeno X Gallery is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a series of exhibitions that shed light on the different decades of the gallery. From April 2 onwards, '40 YEARS Zeno X Gallery: the nineties' presents the seven artists who joined the gallery in the 1990s: Luc Tuymans (1990), Marlene Dumas (1993), Mark Manders (1994), Cristof Yvoré (1994), Anton Corbijn (1996), Dirk Braeckman (1999) and Johannes Kahrs (1999). The show brings historical works into dialogue with recent pieces created specially for this exhibition.

Mark Manders
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Storage and Display
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 17.07 - 17.10 2021
Mark Manders
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Storage and Display
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 17.07 - 17.10 2021
Mark Manders
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Storage and Display
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 17.07 - 17.10 2021
Mark Manders
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Storage and Display
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 17.07 - 17.10 2021

● Solo exhibition

Mark Manders
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Storage and Display
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 17.07 - 17.10 2021
Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 20.03 - 22.06 2021
Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 20.03 - 22.06 2021
Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 20.03 - 22.06 2021
Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 20.03 - 22.06 2021

● Solo exhibition

Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | 20.03 - 22.06 2021
Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders
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Double Silence
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan | 19.09 2020 - 28.02 2021
Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders
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Double Silence
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan | 19.09 2020 - 28.02 2021
Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders
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Double Silence
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan | 19.09 2020 - 28.02 2021
Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders
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Double Silence
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan | 19.09 2020 - 28.02 2021

● Solo exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders
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Double Silence
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan | 19.09 2020 - 28.02 2021
Michaël Borremans, N. Dash, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 29.01 - 14.03 2020
Michaël Borremans, N. Dash, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 29.01 - 14.03 2020
Michaël Borremans, N. Dash, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 29.01 - 14.03 2020
Michaël Borremans, N. Dash, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 29.01 - 14.03 2020

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Michaël Borremans, N. Dash, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery Antwerp Borgerhout | 29.01 - 14.03 2020
Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans
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Convex/Concave: Belgian Contemporary Art
TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, China | 31.10 2019 - 12.01 2020
Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans
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Convex/Concave: Belgian Contemporary Art
TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, China | 31.10 2019 - 12.01 2020
Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans
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Convex/Concave: Belgian Contemporary Art
TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, China | 31.10 2019 - 12.01 2020
Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans
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Convex/Concave: Belgian Contemporary Art
TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, China | 31.10 2019 - 12.01 2020

● group exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans
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Convex/Concave: Belgian Contemporary Art
TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, China | 31.10 2019 - 12.01 2020
Dirk Braeckman, Marlene Dumas, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Philip Metten, Pietro Roccasalva, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 07.03 - 28.04 2018
Dirk Braeckman, Marlene Dumas, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Philip Metten, Pietro Roccasalva, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 07.03 - 28.04 2018
Dirk Braeckman, Marlene Dumas, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Philip Metten, Pietro Roccasalva, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 07.03 - 28.04 2018
Dirk Braeckman, Marlene Dumas, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Philip Metten, Pietro Roccasalva, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 07.03 - 28.04 2018

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Dirk Braeckman, Marlene Dumas, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Philip Metten, Pietro Roccasalva, Hyun-Sook Song, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Jack Whitten
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Works on Paper II
Zeno X Gallery | 07.03 - 28.04 2018
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 09.11 - 17.12 2016
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 09.11 - 17.12 2016
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 09.11 - 17.12 2016
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 09.11 - 17.12 2016

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 09.11 - 17.12 2016

● Mark Manders


Zeno X Gallery has the pleasure of introducing Mark Manders’ new exhibition. It is his sixth solo exhibition since he joined the gallery in 1994.

The most prominent work in the exhibition is without doubt Dry Clay Head (2015-2016). As in the work Dry Clay Head on Concrete Floor (2016), Manders explores working on a larger scale.

He was recently invited by the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis to create a sculpture for the new sculpture park. The result is two sculptures, Two Reclining Figures – a smaller version of which is now on view at the Biennale de Rennes, and Composition with Long Verticals, which will be nearly five meters high. The sculpture garden will officially open in June 2017. At the beginning of this year, Manders won the competition for a large outdoor sculpture on the Rokin in the historic center of Amsterdam. This bronze fountain will also be executed on a monumental scale. More recently, Manders was also asked by Public Art Fund to create a large sculpture in 2018 for Central Park in New York.

In the late eighties and early nineties, Mark Manders created installations with personal and household objects such as pencils, cups and pieces of twine. The compositions are very fragile and poetic. Later, he began to work regularly with traditional materials such as clay, wood and bronze. The sculptures often seem more fragile than they really are. Whereas previously the works seemed as if the artist had just made them – like wet clay – the works in this exhibition seem already to have been dried out and left behind.

Although the works come across as timeless archetypes, there is still one year to which the artist consistently refers – namely, 1986. In that year, the concept of ‘Self-portrait as building’ came about, which functions as a metaphor for his oeuvre: a fictitious building, divided into separate rooms of which the exact shape and extent cannot be defined. Manders constantly strives for the specific yet unattainable moment in which all works will be connected with one another and enter into dialogue.

Still Life With Thin Red Rope (2015-2016) refers to the work Short Sad Thoughts from 1990. This work consists of two hanging wires that appear to be at the mercy of an enormous gravitational pull. In reality, it was with great effort that Mark Manders bent both brass ropes. Still Life With Thin Red Rope combines this with figuration, which gives it a surreal character.

The Perspective Studies are a recurring motif in his oeuvre and are built up of self-made newspaper; Manders takes words from an English dictionary and places them in a random order. Each word is used only once. He also takes close-up photos of elements in his studio that he subsequently positions next to the text. The photos scrupulously avoid referring to anything concrete, but function unavoidably as apparent illustrations of the words.

Falling Dictionary (2016) is made of these newspapers but shows – as the title suggests – a falling lexicon. The dictionary often appears throughout his oeuvre and demonstrates his strong fascination for language. Usually the colours correspond with the materials, whilst the dictionary gives Manders a unique opportunity to add some ‘colour’.

In the past Manders had solo exhibitions at Centro de Galego de Arte Contemporanea in Santiago de Compostela (2014), Collezione Maramotti in Reggio Emillia (2014), De Vleeshal in Middelburg (2014), Carré d’art - Musée d’art contemporain in Nîmes (2012), Dallas Museum of Art (2012), Walker Art Center in Minneapolis (2011), Aspen Art Museum (2011), Casa Luis Barragan in Mexico City (2011), Hammer Museum in Los Angeles (2010), Kunsthaus Zurich (2009), S.M.A.K. in Ghent (2008), Kunsthall Bergen (2008), Kunstverein Hannover (2007), IMMA in Dublin (2005), Berkeley Art Museum (2005), The Art Institute in Chicago (2003), The Renaissance Society in Chicago (2003), Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich (2003), Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo (2002), The Drawing Center in New York (2000), De Appel in Amsterdam (1997), amongst many others.

In 2013 Mark Manders represented the Netherlands at the Venice Biennial with his presentation ‘Room with Broken Sentence’.

Work by Mark Manders is included in the permanent collections of MoMA in New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, Museum Voorlinden in Wassenaar, Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht, Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, the Art Institute in Chicago, Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, Centraal Museum in Utrecht, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea in Santiago de Compostela, Dallas Museum of Art, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin, Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, MCA Chicago, Kunstmuseum Bonn, LA MOCA in Los Angeles, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, M HKA in Antwerp, MMK Arnhem, Noordbrabants Museum ’s Hertogenbosch, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, Mu.Zee in Ostend, S.M.A.K. in Ghent, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, The Menil Collection in Houston, Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, etc.

Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song
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Architecture of Life
BAMPFA Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, United States of America | 31.01 2016 - 29.05 2017
Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song
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Architecture of Life
BAMPFA Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, United States of America | 31.01 2016 - 29.05 2017
Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song
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Architecture of Life
BAMPFA Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, United States of America | 31.01 2016 - 29.05 2017
Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song
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Architecture of Life
BAMPFA Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, United States of America | 31.01 2016 - 29.05 2017

● group exhibition

Mark Manders, Hyun-Sook Song
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Architecture of Life
BAMPFA Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, United States of America | 31.01 2016 - 29.05 2017
Raoul De Keyser, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh
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Zeno X Gallery | 06.05 - 27.06 2015
Raoul De Keyser, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh
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Zeno X Gallery | 06.05 - 27.06 2015
Raoul De Keyser, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh
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Zeno X Gallery | 06.05 - 27.06 2015
Raoul De Keyser, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh
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Zeno X Gallery | 06.05 - 27.06 2015

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Raoul De Keyser, Johannes Kahrs, Mark Manders, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh
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Zeno X Gallery | 06.05 - 27.06 2015
Michaël Borremans, Raoul De Keyser, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 12.11 - 20.12 2014
Michaël Borremans, Raoul De Keyser, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 12.11 - 20.12 2014
Michaël Borremans, Raoul De Keyser, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 12.11 - 20.12 2014
Michaël Borremans, Raoul De Keyser, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 12.11 - 20.12 2014

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Raoul De Keyser, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Mark Manders, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper I
Zeno X Gallery | 12.11 - 20.12 2014
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 23.04 - 31.05 2014
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 23.04 - 31.05 2014
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 23.04 - 31.05 2014
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 23.04 - 31.05 2014

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 23.04 - 31.05 2014

● Mark Manders


Zeno X Gallery has the great pleasure to announce a new solo exhibition by Mark Manders (b. 1968, Volkel, NL). This will be the artist’s fifth consecutive show since Manders joined the gallery in 1994. For the first time, the installation Staged Android (reduced to 88%), which he created for Documenta 11 (2002), will be shown in Belgium. Manders has continued to work on this piece after the presentation in Kassel and the work is now, 12 years later, fully completed. The exhibition will include new sculptures and installations which characteristically contain references to the past, the present and the future.

Although time and place-related references appear to be irrelevant in Manders’ work, there is one year that is often being referred to: 1986. This is the year in which Manders outlined the concept of his work, Self-Portrait as a Building. His work resembles a fictional building, divided into separate rooms and levels, of which the size and shape can never exactly be determined. Potential shifts and extensions constantly threaten the cohesion of the ever-expanding self-portrait. Manders works toward one big overarching moment that will bring together all his works, continuously interconnected and in dialogue with each other. There is no beginning or end. It is impossible to organize or date his works chronologically on the basis of visual clues. His work, in this way, might as well be created in the early 20th century; a thought he seems to eagerly embrace.

Before Manders embarked on his artistic career, he worked, as a teenager, in a graphic design studio. This is where his fascination for design and language, and particularly poetry, originated. Attempting to write a self-portrait in an unconventional manner, he soon hit the boundaries of language and translation. Words were substituted by visual elements. According to Manders, drawings, sculptures and installations are freer and can, just like poetry, incorporate different sounds, colours, rhythms, rhymes and interpretations. This is how the idea of Self-Portrait as a Building arose. Manders strives for timelessness and universality by using archetypal forms and familiar-looking materials such as clay, steel and wood. Manders’ sculptures and installations seem more fragile than they actually are. As a sculptor, Manders adheres to the tradition of bronze sculpture yet also incorporates contemporary materials in his work. Seats, chairs, chimneys are carefully created or recreated in function of the work and, where necessary, reduced to 88% of their original size. Blurring the line between reality and illusion, it often becomes difficult to distinguish when Manders is actually integrating natural wood or just a painted wood imitation. This also applies to the androgynous figures or faces that seem to have been fashioned out of wet clay, creating the impression that they just left the artist’s studio or, conversely, were abandoned by the artist, mid-work. Particular in this exhibition are the sculptures that evidence, for the first time, fine craquelures in their surfaces that seem to catapult these works even farther back in time. The illusion of peeling dry clay creates a sense of foreboding, as if the sculpture could crumble into fine dust and disappear at any time. There appears to be a definite separation between the sculpture and the person who realized it, as if it was abandoned by its creator or could not be completed. The persona of Mark Manders is never recognizably evidenced. Remarkable also is the dichotomy between the man Mark Manders and the artist, who, like an alter ego of sorts, seems to be directed entirely by his counterpart. Manders always places himself in this undefined place in-between, vastly enlarging the mystery of Self-Portrait as a Building.

Mark Manders has had solo exhibitions at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, The Renaissance Society in Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, Kunstverein Hannover, Bergen Art Hall, SMAK Gent, Kunsthaus Zurich, La Casa Luis Barragan in Mexico City, the Musee d’Art Contemporain in Nimes, among others. From 2010 to 2012, his first major retrospective, Parallel Occurance / Documented Assignments, travelled throughout the United States with venues such as the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, the Aspen Art Museum, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and the Dallas Museum of Art.

At the Venice Biennale in 2013, Mark Manders presented his solo exhibition Room with broken sentence in the Dutch Pavilion in the Giardini. In early 2014, De Vleeshal in Middelburg (NL) organized the solo exhibition Acolyte Frena. His solo exhibition Cose in Corso is on view at the Collezione Maramotti (IT) until September 28, 2014. In July, a new solo exhibition opens at the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea in Santiago De Compostela (ES). Following a commission of the Public Art Fund in New York, a new sculpture will be installed in Central Park in New York in the autumn of 2015. His work also features in group exhibitions including Beating the Bush at the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht, Re: visited in the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art in Riga and See What Sees You at the 21er Haus in Vienna. Previously, Mark Manders has been invited to group exhibitions at the Palais Tokyo in Paris, the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford (U.S.), the Menil Collection in Houston (U.S.), MoMA in New York (U.S.), RAM in Rome (IT), Magasin 3 Kunsthal Stockholm in Stockholm (SE), among others. In 2002 he was invited by Okwui Enwezor to participate in Documenta 11 in Kassel.

Recently, MoMA in New York has acquired an important work from the exhibition in Venice. The Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht (NL), the Centraal Museum in Utrecht (NL) and the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis have also recently expanded their collection with work by Mark Manders. Other public collections of work by Mark Manders include the Art Gallery of Onatrio in Toronto (US), the Art Institute of Chicago (US), the Bonnefantenmuseum (NL), the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh (US), the Centraal Museum Utrecht (NL), the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea in Santiago de Compostela (ES), the Dallas Museum of Art (US), the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin (IT), the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin (IR), the Kunstmuseum Bonn (DE), LA MOCA (US), the Moderna Museet in Stockholm (SE), MuHKA in Antwerp (BE), the Museum Overholland in Nieuwersluis (NL), the Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem (NL), the Noordbrabants Museum ’s Hertogenbosch (NL), the Philadelphia Museum of Art (US), the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich (DE), Mu.Zee in Ostend (BE), S.M.A.K. in Gent (BE), the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (US), the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (US), the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam (NL), the Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum (NL), The Menil Collection in Houston (US), the Hammer Museum in LA (US) and the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford (US).

Mark Manders
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Room with Broken Sentence
Dutch Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy | 01.06 - 24.11 2013
Mark Manders
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Room with Broken Sentence
Dutch Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy | 01.06 - 24.11 2013
Mark Manders
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Room with Broken Sentence
Dutch Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy | 01.06 - 24.11 2013
Mark Manders
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Room with Broken Sentence
Dutch Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy | 01.06 - 24.11 2013

● Solo exhibition

Mark Manders
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Room with Broken Sentence
Dutch Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy | 01.06 - 24.11 2013
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, Naoto Kawahara, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jockum Nordström, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Bart Stolle, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jack Whitten, Cristof Yvoré
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Opening New Space
Zeno X Gallery | 17.04 - 25.05 2013
Mark Manders
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Parallel Occurences / Documented Assignments
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, United States of America | 25.09 2010 - 02.01 2011
Mark Manders
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Parallel Occurences / Documented Assignments
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, United States of America | 25.09 2010 - 02.01 2011
Mark Manders
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Parallel Occurences / Documented Assignments
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, United States of America | 25.09 2010 - 02.01 2011
Mark Manders
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Parallel Occurences / Documented Assignments
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, United States of America | 25.09 2010 - 02.01 2011

● Solo exhibition

Mark Manders
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Parallel Occurences / Documented Assignments
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, United States of America | 25.09 2010 - 02.01 2011
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 11.04 - 24.04 2010
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 11.04 - 24.04 2010
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 11.04 - 24.04 2010
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 11.04 - 24.04 2010

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 11.04 - 24.04 2010
Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Germany | 16.10 - 25.11 2007
Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Germany | 16.10 - 25.11 2007
Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Germany | 16.10 - 25.11 2007
Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Germany | 16.10 - 25.11 2007

● Solo exhibition

Mark Manders
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The Absence of Mark Manders
Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Germany | 16.10 - 25.11 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
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Works on Paper
Zeno X Gallery | 17.01 - 17.02 2007
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006
Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Michaël Borremans, Dirk Braeckman, Anton Corbijn, Raoul De Keyser, Jan De Maesschalck, Marlene Dumas, Kees Goudzwaard, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Johannes Kahrs, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Jenny Scobel, Maria Serebriakova, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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25 years Zeno X Gallery
Zeno X Gallery | 18.10 - 02.12 2006
Raoul De Keyser, Marlene Dumas, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Shopping the Stars
Zeno X Gallery | 11.12 1998 - 06.02 1999
Raoul De Keyser, Marlene Dumas, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Shopping the Stars
Zeno X Gallery | 11.12 1998 - 06.02 1999
Raoul De Keyser, Marlene Dumas, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Shopping the Stars
Zeno X Gallery | 11.12 1998 - 06.02 1999
Raoul De Keyser, Marlene Dumas, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Shopping the Stars
Zeno X Gallery | 11.12 1998 - 06.02 1999

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Raoul De Keyser, Marlene Dumas, John Körmeling, Mark Manders, Luc Tuymans, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Cristof Yvoré
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Shopping the Stars
Zeno X Gallery | 11.12 1998 - 06.02 1999
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 12.09 - 18.10 1997
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 12.09 - 18.10 1997
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 12.09 - 18.10 1997
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 12.09 - 18.10 1997

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 12.09 - 18.10 1997
Raoul De Keyser, Désirée Dolron, Fabrice Hybert, Mark Manders
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Raoul De Keyser - Mark Manders - Fabrice Hybert - Désirée Dolron
Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 03.12 1995
Raoul De Keyser, Désirée Dolron, Fabrice Hybert, Mark Manders
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Raoul De Keyser - Mark Manders - Fabrice Hybert - Désirée Dolron
Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 03.12 1995
Raoul De Keyser, Désirée Dolron, Fabrice Hybert, Mark Manders
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Raoul De Keyser - Mark Manders - Fabrice Hybert - Désirée Dolron
Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 03.12 1995
Raoul De Keyser, Désirée Dolron, Fabrice Hybert, Mark Manders
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Raoul De Keyser - Mark Manders - Fabrice Hybert - Désirée Dolron
Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 03.12 1995

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Raoul De Keyser, Désirée Dolron, Fabrice Hybert, Mark Manders
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Raoul De Keyser - Mark Manders - Fabrice Hybert - Désirée Dolron
Zeno X Gallery | 26.10 - 03.12 1995
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 15.01 - 20.02 1994
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 15.01 - 20.02 1994
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 15.01 - 20.02 1994
Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 15.01 - 20.02 1994

● Zeno X Gallery exhibition

Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery | 15.01 - 20.02 1994

● Mark Manders


Mark Manders
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Zeno X Gallery exhibitions


Selected solo exhibitions

The Absence of Mark Manders, Woning van Wassenhove, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium
Writing Skiapod, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, Los Angeles, United States of America
The Absence of Mark Manders, Bonnefanten, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Public Art Fund, Central Park, New York, United States of America
Mark Manders, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Cose in Corso, Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Acolyte Frena, De Vleeshal, Middelburg, The Netherlands
Les études d’ombres, Carré d’Art - Musée d’art contemporain, Nîmes, France
Parallel Occurences / Documented Assignments, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, United States of America
Two Interconnected Houses, The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Parallel Occurences / Documented Assignments, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, United States of America
Parallel Occurences / Documented Assignments, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, United States of America
Obra de Referencia / Reference Work, Carrillo Gil Museum of Art, Mexico City, Mexico
Two Interconnected Houses, La Casa Luis Barragan, Mexico City, Mexico
The Absence of Mark Manders, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
The Absence of Mark Manders, S.M.A.K., Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium
The Absence of Mark Manders, Kunsthall Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Mark Manders: Short Sad Thoughts, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, United Kingdom
Parallel Occurence, IMMA, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland
MATRIX 214: The Absence of Mark Manders, Berkeley Art Museum, Berkely, United States of America
Isolated Rooms, The Renaissance Society, Chicago, United States of America
Isolated Rooms, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, United States of America
Silent Factory, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
Fragments from Self-Portrait as a Building, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, Canada
XXIV Biennale of São Paulo: Self Portrait in a Surrounding Area, São Paulo, Brazil
14 Fragments from Self-portrait as a building, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden Baden, Germany
Mark Manders, The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Mark Manders: Zelfportret als gebouw, de Appel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mark Manders: zesde in een serie van zes kleinere presentaties van Nederlandse kunstenaars, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Selected group exhibitions

The Weight of Words, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, United Kingdom
La morsure des termites, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Reaching for the Stars, Works from the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy
Mix & Match. Rediscovering the Collection., Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
De Kwetsbare Mens, Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Building and Dreaming, BY ART MATTERS, Hangzhou, China
Elective Affinities (Valfrändskaper), Magasin III, Stockholm, Sweden
Collección Helga de Alvear, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear, Cáceres, Spain
Conditioned Movement. Works from the Moderna Museet Collection., Moderna Museet, Malmö, Sweden
Collection 2: Our Life, National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
Studio Visit. Thoughts and practices surrounding ten artist's studios, Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Primitive Soul, Musée Zadkine, Paris, France
Surrounds: 11 Installations, MoMA, New York, United States of America
Dirty Protest: Selections from the Hammer Contemporary Collection, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, United States of America
Sanguine. Luc Tuymans on Baroque, Fondazione Prada, Milan, Italy
Quel Amour!?, Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisbon, Portugal
Als kunst je lief is, Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands
Machines à penser. Three Philosopher's Huts, Fondazione Prada, Venice, Italy
Quel Amour!?, Musée d’Art Contemporaine de Marseille, Marseille, France
Het Afwezige Museum / The Absent Museum, WIELS, Brussels, Belgium
Biënnale de Rennes 5: Incorporated!, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, Rennes, France
Full Moon, Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar, The Netherlands
Aichi Triennale: Rainbow Caravan, Nagoya, Japan
The Promise of Total Automation, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria
Drawing / The Bottom Line, S.M.A.K., Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium
La Brève Histoire de l'Avenir, Louvre, Paris, France
Storylines: Contemporary Art at the Guggenheim, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, United States of America
Sculptures Also Die. Declinazioni della sculptura dopo il 2000, Strozzina Centre for Contemporary Culture, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy
Inside, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Roma Publications 1998 - 2014, Fondazione Giuliani, Rome, Italy
Expo 1: New York, MoMA PS1, New York, United States of America
Silence, The Menil Collection, Houston, United States of America
Number Five: Cities of Gold and Mirrors. Works from the Julia Stoschek Collection, Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf, Germany
TRACK, Ghent, Belgium
Exquisite Corpses: Drawing and Disfiguration, MoMA, New York, United States of America
Im raum des betrachters/ Skulptur der gegenwart, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
A future museum for China, Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
Published by Roma Publications, De Kabinetten van De Vleeshal, Middelburg, The Netherlands
A Story of the Image: Old and New Masters from Antwerp, National Museum of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Walking in my Mind, The Hayward, Southbank Centre, London, United Kingdom
Life on Mars, the 55th Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, United States of America
Fractured Figure: Works from the Dakis Joannou Collection, Deste Foundation, Athens, Greece
Berlin Biennale: Of Mice and Men, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
Trials and Terrors, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago, United States of America
Manifesta 5, European Biennale of Contemporary Art, San Sebastian, Spain
Sculptural Sphere, Sammlung Goetz, Munich, Germany
Contemporary Drawing: Eight Propositions, MoMA, New York, United States of America
Documenta XI, Binding - Bauerei, Kassel, Germany
Squatters, Museu Serralves, Porto, Portugal
Plateau of Humankind, Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion, Venice, Italy
This is the show and the show is many things, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Ghent, Belgium
Du concept à l’image. Art Pays-Bas XXè sciècle, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Venice Biennale, Scuola, Venice, Italy
Sonsbeek 93, Arnhem, The Netherlands

Public collections

Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya, Japan
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, United States of America
Bonnefanten, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, United States of America
Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Collezione Maramotti, Reggio-Emilia, Italy
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, United States of America
David Roberts Art Foundation, London, United Kingdom
Donum Estate, Sonoma, United States of America
Domus Collection, Beijing, China
Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy
FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon, France
GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin, Italy
Guggenheim Museum, New York, United States of America
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, United States of America
Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, United States of America
Hudson Valley for Contemporary Art, New York, United States of America
IMMA Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland
Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf, Germany
Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
Kistefos Museum and Sculpture Park, Jevnaker, Norway
Kunsthaus, Zürich, Switzerland
Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany
M HKA Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp, Belgium
Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm Sweden
The Margulies Collection at the Warehouse, Miami, United States of America
The Menil Collection, Houston, United States of America
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, United States of America
MOT Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
MoMA Museum of Modern Art, New York, United States of America
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Museum of Contemporary Art, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, United States of America
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, United States of America
Museum Hedendaagse Kunst De Domijnen, Sittard, The Netherlands
Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar, The Netherlands
Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., United States of America
The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
Noordbrabants Museum, ‘s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Olbricht Collection, Berlin, Germany
Over Holland Collection, The Netherlands
PAMM Perez Art Museum, Miami, United States of America
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, United States of America
Pinnell Collection, Dallas, United States of America
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
Rabobank Collection, The Netherlands
Rubell Family Collection, Miami, United States of America
Sammlung Goetz, Munich, Germany
S.M.A.K. Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium
SFMOMA San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, United States of America
Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, The Netherlands
Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, United States of America
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, United States of America


“Mark Manders: ‘My work is always totally silent’”, article by Nadine Khalil (online)
September 2022

“In Pursuit of Time: Mark Manders”
Ark Journal, vol. VI, p.114-131

“Mark Manders – A Glossary”
ArtReview, vol.72, no.4, article by Craig Burnett (p.76-93)
Summer 2020

“Self-Portrait as a Building: In the Studio with Mark Manders”
Walker Art, article by Misa Jeffereis (online)
June 2016

“Mark Manders. Reasonably complete”
Metropolis M, no.6, article by Nickel Van Duijvenboden (p.6;58-65)
December 2012

“The Ephemeral of putting things away. An in-depth look into the art of Mark Manders”
Kaleidoscope, no.1, article by Andrea Wiarda (p.107-111)
March/April 2009

Mark Manders
The Absence of Mark Manders

Museum of Contemporary Art
Tokyo, Japan, 2021
216 pages, ISBN 9784908062360

Museum of Contemporary Art<br />Tokyo, Japan, 2021<br />216 pages, ISBN 9784908062360
The Absence of Mark Manders, Bonnefanten

Roma Publications
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020
148 pages, ISBN 9789072251831

Roma Publications<br />Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2020<br />148 pages, ISBN 9789072251831
Mark Manders: Rokin Fontein

Roma Publications
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017
63 pages, ISBN 9789491843983

Roma Publications<br />Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017<br />63 pages, ISBN 9789491843983
Mark Manders: Parallel Occurrences / Documented Assignments

Aspen Art Press and the Hammer Museum
Los Angeles, United States, 2010
100 pages, ISBN 9780934324489

Aspen Art Press and the Hammer Museum<br />Los Angeles, United States, 2010<br />100 pages, ISBN 9780934324489
The Absence of Mark Manders

Hatje Cantz Verlag
Ostfildern, Germany, 2007
280 pages, ISBN 9783775720311

Hatje Cantz Verlag<br />Ostfildern, Germany, 2007<br />280 pages, ISBN 9783775720311

● Mark Manders
