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Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEn Wij Weten dat Deze Getuigenis Waar Is. (Joh. 21:24) (And We Know that This Testimony Is True. [Joh. 21:24])1995acrylic on Trovicel and plexi on wood99,5 x 150 x 5,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHet Lege Graf (The Empty Grave)1995pastel and felt-tip on Trovicel and plexi, mounted on wood124,5 x 179,5 x 5,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHet Oordeel over de Wereld (The Judgement on the World)1994 - 1995acrylic on Trovicel and plexi, mounted on wood122 x 179,5 x 6,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOnderlinge Liefde (Mutual Love)1994 - 1995synthetic paint and acrylic on Trovicel, paper and plexi, mounted on wood101 x 155 x 6 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOngeloof en Geloof (Disbelief and Belief)1994 - 1995plexi and acrylic on wood135 x 181 x 8,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenLiefde en Geboden (Love and Commandments)1995plexi and PVC on wood100,5 x 150 x 5,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenJezus bidt voor Zichzelf (Jesus Prays for Himself)1994 - 1995synthetic paint and acrylic on Trovicel and plexi, mounted on wood
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenGeseling en Bespotting (Flogging and Ridicule)1994 - 1995paper and oil marker on Trovicel and plexi and acrylic on wood135 x 179,5 x 8,2 cm