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Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenComparent Noncerait Tiff2022digital print, laserprints on paper, magazine sheets, postcard and acrylic on plexi, mounted on painted wood100 x 135 x 5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenPremiere Celu Garnitures2021collage, laserprint, spray paint, acrylic and digital print on plexi and PVC, mounted on wood100 x 149,8 x 5,3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSoit Autofister Resortiron2021collage, acrylic, digital prints on paper and plexi, mounted on wood101 x 149,8 x 5,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDudoute Toaster Absolu2021newspapers, acrylic and digital print on plexi, mounted on wood100 x 149,7 x 5,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHelv Apgueong Comprendra2021collage, spray paint, acrylic on plexi mirror, digital print on plexi, mounted on wood100,2 x 135 x 5,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenGoddelijke Proportie (Divine Proportion)2021dry and oil pastel, spray paint, pencil, coloured pencil and gesso on plexi179,7 x 150,1 x 1 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenGeen Beter Plaats dan Hier (No Better Place Than Here)2019carpet jacquard printed (2 of 2 + 1 AP)150 x 223 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenPlastic & Cellulose2003 - 2018acrylic, silkscreen paint, acrylic marker and adhesive foil, plexi sheet on PVC, mounted on painted wooden board100,5 x 82,5 x 4,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDefluff2016cotton tapestry (edition of 2)200 x 520 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenVan Vlasselaer2016cotton tapestry (edition of 2)195 x 290 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDuality - Theorem2015 - 2016mixed media30 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOpgepast voor de Heilige Hoer (Beware of the Holy Whore)2015 - 2016acrylic on digital prints on plexi, mounted on wooden board with metal screws85 x 116 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAls een Swastika (Tibet)2015printed sticker, paint, collage on synthetic leather, sailcloth rings112 x 85,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIn Spite of Complexity2015pencil, colour pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper28,1 x 21 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenCarrel 1 (Enigma)2014painted meranti multiplex carrel on wheels with fluorescent light, digital prints on two layers of Perspex, backpainted with gesso, screwed onto the carrel, mirror201 x 240 x 62 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenCette âme et du pays où elle demeure (Chap. 67) (Deze Ziel, en Waar Ze Woont [Hfst. 67]) (This Soul, and Where She Lives [Ch. 67])2013digital prints on PVC, heightened by spray paint and acrylic102,4 x 152,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven3 versus 5 (10 9 2012)2012mixed media77 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenStill Have to Wait for2012digital print on plexi and PVC123 x 180 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Nagging Prospects of Saturation1960 - 2007 - 2011collage on paper34,4 x 24,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenCan We Change the Past2011double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 133,5 x 5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenRhythm 22014photocopy on repro film, textile, paper30 x 39 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIl est bien juste que je ne me possède pas (Chap. 101) (It Is Right that I Do not Own Myself [Ch. 101])2014casein paint and acrylic on digital prints on Perspex, coloured plastic foil and photocopy on paper, mounted on wood with glue and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTortures saturniens (Saturnian Tortures)2011mixed technique on paper43,5 x 35,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenReflecting Objectives2010double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 36133,5 x 5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenReflecting Subjectives2010double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 133,5 x 5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 1 (Calligraphy 1)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 11 (Calligraphy 11)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 12 (Calligraphy 12)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 4 (Calligraphy 4)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 9 (Calligraphy 9)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAge of Grief2008digital UV-hardend print on collage, mounted on PV
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAgainst Technology2008digital UV-hardened print on collage, mounted on PVC100 x 100 x 0,1 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Beauty of Depth2006mixed media on paper24 x 29 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBlackstar2005Lambda print integrated in plexi lightbox35 x 75 x 14,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThis Image of the Human Heart2005mixed media on paper25,5 x 35 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHeathcliffe2000 - 2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)26 x 45 x 3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMelissa en de Zwaan (Melissa and the Swan)2002ink, felt-tip and coloured pencil on paper25 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDescartes1999Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 5)21,5 x 42,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenErect1997acrylic and silkscreen paint on PVC25 x 13,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenI-Q1997acrylic and silkscreen paint on PVC25 x 14 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven96. Fascinerend (Fascinating)1996silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi29,5 x 20,6 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven90. Waakzaamheid (Wakefulness)1996silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi29,5 x 20,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven20. Connectionistisch (Connectionistic)1996acrylic and silkscreen paint on PVC28,8 x 25,1 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven09. Industriestaten (Industrial Nations)1996acrylic and silkscreen paint on PVC29,5 x 25 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven55. Problematiek (Problematic)1996silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi25 x 21 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTheory of Elasticity1995acrylic, silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi49,5 x 45,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenFantasie en Escapisme (Fantasy and Escapism)1994ink and coloured pencil on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenProcessie (Procession)1994ink and coloured pencil on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenPrinciple Cybernetica 3. Tisiphone1991acrylic, silkscreen paint and plastic foil on Trovicel, mounted on wood244 x 122 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAgnost Repetition Compulsion1995acrylic on double-sided plexi3 x (13 x 22 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUntitled ( and silkscreen paint on PVC60 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEn Wij Weten dat Deze Getuigenis Waar Is. (Joh. 21:24) (And We Know that This Testimony Is True. [Joh. 21:24])1995acrylic on Trovicel and plexi on wood99,5 x 150 x 5,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenInstinct, ect...1994paint and plexi on wood27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSorteren (to Sort)1993paint on plastic dish19,5 x 30,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenNaar Buiten Kijken Is naar Binnen Kijken (to Look Outside Is to Look Inside)1993ink on Steinbach paper26,5 x 35,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUitgeput, Ik Zink (Exhausted, I Sink)1992acrylic, monoprint and silkscreen paint on plexi mounted on PVC31 x 43 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEr Is Muziek, Wijn en Tedere Dans (There Is Music, Wine and Loving Dance)1992acrylic, monoprint and silkscreen paint on plexi mounted on PVC27 x 37 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe Priesteres Zijt Gij (materia prima) (You Are the Priestess [materia prima])1992acrylic and monoprint on plexi41 x 26,8 x 2,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenResistir (Resist)1991silkscreen paint and plastic foil on Trovicel, mounted on wood with iron hinges2 x (190 x 90 x 4,4 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEctoplasma (Ectoplasm)1991silkscreen paint and plastic foil on Trovicel, mounted on wood with iron hinges2 x (201 x 83 x 4,2 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAlter Ego1991silkscreen paint, felt-tip and plastic foil on Trovicel, mounted on wood with iron hinges200 x 80 x 4,44 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenInterieur I: Locus Solls1989 - 1990paint and plastic foil on Forex on wood150 x 200 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe Goddelijke 3-1heid (The Divine Trinity)1989paint and plastic foil on Forex122 x 244 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe Profundis1986adhesive tape on polystyrene with iron hinges200 x 250 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenCentaur met Vrouw, Hypnose met Kip (Chicken, Centaur [A-side])1985synthetic paint and adhesive foil on plexi100 x 150 cm
West Den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands May 19, 2023 - May 18, 2024
AMVK was commissioned by Kanal Pompidou to create an artwork for the façade. It will be inaugurated on Saturday September 2nd, 2023 and will stay until September 2024.
Published by Zeno X Books, Hannibal & Wather und Franz König, 2022
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven receives the honorary degree for General Merit from the University of Antwerp.
Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium, 2022
WIELS, Brussels, Belgium September 12, 2020 - March 8, 2021
Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany November 9 - February 24, 2018
Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany November 8, 2019 - March 15, 2020
M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium February 9 - May 13, 2018
Kunstverein, Hannover, Germany March 18 - May 14, 2017
Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany November 13, 2016 - February 26, 2017
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, b. 1951 in Antwerp (BE), lives and works in Antwerp (BE).
Since the early 1980s, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven has been prolific in her output of drawings, paintings, collages, video and digital works. A straightforward female tone prevails in all her works, in which the erotic meets machine fetishism. Interiors if not domestic spaces often serve as settings for her drawings and collages, from which dream-like futuristic enactments between human and machine-like forms unfold. In the early 1990s, computer graphics entered her work; she often appropriates images from soft-porn magazines which she then manipulates using her computer. Text has always featured alongside images, underlining the message of Van Kerckhoven’s proud female characters. She demonstrates her interest in science and artificial intelligence – and their interaction with art – in an intuitive and rather associative way. Music plays an important role in Van Kerckhkoven's creative production in parallel to her visual output: she and Danny Devos have stood as a key pair of the international experimental music scene under the band name Club Moral (1981–now).
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven has had solo exhibitions at Fridericianum (Kassel), The Renaissance Society (Chicago), Kunstverein Hannover, Museum Abteiberg (Mönchengladbach), Kunstverein München (Munich), Kunsthalle Bern, FRAC Pays de la Loire (Carquefou), Mu.ZEE (Ostend), WIELS (Brussels), Kunsthalle Nürnberg (Nuremberg), M HKA (Antwerp), DAAD (Berlin) and Kunstmuseum Luzern.
Her work has featured in group shows at Institute of Contemporary Arts (London), Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (Turin), Yale Union (Portland), S.M.A.K. (Ghent), Marta Herford, Bozar (Brussels), MAS (Antwerp), ICA Philadelphia, The Art Institute (New York), Shanghai Art Museum, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo (Buenos Aires), San Francisco Art Institute, Kunsthal KAdE (Amersfoort) and Neuer Aachener Kunstverein (Aachen).
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven joined the gallery in 1982.
Mounira Al Solh
Mounira Al Solh produced the series 13 April, 13 April, 13 April in the context of her solo exhibition at the Felix-Nussbaum-Haus in Osnabrück in 2022. Like Jewish artist Felix Nussbaum, to whom the museum is dedicated, Mounira Al Solh’s life has been marked by war and forced migration. The title of the series refers to 13 April 1975, the first day of the Lebanese Civil War, a war which would continue into the 1990s and whose effects can still be felt today.The series of drawings consists mainly of self-portraits she created during the Covid-19 lockdowns to reflect on identity and life in times of crisis. The Arabic texts present in many works consider the role of women in society, the 2020 explosion in Beirut, street protests and the Lebanese Civil War.A new publication collects the complete series of drawings and the translated texts that Al Solh wrote in and alongside the works.
‘Why is it still all about a poor woman’s body? Why is it OK when a man paints a woman naked, as a muse, but when a woman paints herself it becomes insulting? What is insulting about looking at yourself? (…) I drew self-portraits facing the mirror, undressed. In a society where, as a woman, they think you’d better stay covered. I wanted to rebel. (…) I use my body, my blood is my ink, my ink is never finished. When my blood dries, I will stop the act of drawing.’
Pélagie Gbaguidi
Pélagie Gbaguidi created the new series Espace et Langage especially for this exhibition. For her, the works are as much a form of writing as of drawing. Through these drawings, she tries to create space to reflect on the current period of transition of political systems. She comments on the negative impact of monoculture on rural populations as well as the obsession of European museums with the African artefacts in their depots.
Ielles sèment avec le vent refers to the important role of women in nature conservation, education and care. Gbaguidi’s choice to draw on sheets of a botanical encyclopedia also raises questions about care and recovery in a climate of great uncertainty.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Since 1974, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven has been making drawings that emerge from her subconscious. She refuses to find logical meaning in her mindmaps. However, the drawings do enable her to make her perceptions and dreams more tangible. Kalligraphie was the first series of works Van Kerckhoven made upon her return home to Antwerp in 2007, following her residency at DAAD in Berlin and a stay in Shanghai.
‘I like to create series of drawings that are closely associated with the reading of books from different fields that inspire me or tie in with my evolution. I confront the information from the books – both form and content – with my intuitive act of drawing. The essence of the image appears on the paper, straight from my hand, without interference from my brain.’
The drawings in question came into being after consulting books on Giordano Bruno, the structures of atoms and molecules, and an article on Saturn. As the series progressed, certain laws imposed themselves, in terms of approach, method, colour, motifs and use of materials.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven’s Kalligraphie series was first shown at Manifesta 7 in Trento in 2008. Subsequently, the full series was also presented at Museum M in Leuven in 2010 and at Kunstverein München in 2015.
Zeno X Gallery is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a series of exhibitions that shed light on the different decades of the gallery. From 5 February, '40 YEARS Zeno X Gallery: The Eighties' presents the four artists who joined the gallery in the 1980s: John Körmeling (1981), Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (1982), Patrick Van Caeckenbergh (1986) and Raoul De Keyser (1988). Early works enter into dialogue with recent works created specially for the exhibition. In the early years, the gallery’s main focus was on architecture and installation art.
Patrick Van Caeckenbergh first showed Teddie (1989) at his Wunderbar exhibition in the gallery in 1989. This early installation problematizes the word ‘huidskleur’ (skin colour). For Van Caeckenbergh, the label ‘vleeskleur 374’ (flesh tint 374) on a pot of light-pink paint reveals the one-sided Eurocentric way of looking at skin colour. The teddy bear is like an explorer, showing off his conquests on a typical billboard from the 1980s. The bear looks cuddly but is actually a dangerous animal: Teddie ‘loves’ the different types of people, but also wants to oppress and dominate them.
Le Secrétaire (collection de peaux) (2018–2022) [The Secretaire (Skin Collection)] is a desk drawer containing a collection of ‘skins’. Van Caeckenbergh collected the skins over the past five years by cutting rectangular shapes out of porn magazines. He always selects rectangles that no longer contain any references to the human body; censorship is a form of therapy that allows him to deal with the ‘gruesome’ visual reality of pornography. He then presents the ‘skins’ as stamps or on a staff. The image of the human tendon shows that all bodies, regardless of skin tone, look the same on the inside.
For Het Muziekbos (Het Weeftapijt) (2021) [The Musical Forest (The Woven Carpet)], Patrick Van Caeckenbergh cut up a photographic print of an investment forest and interwove it with a colour fan from a paint shop. The colours refer to the different types of birds. To the right of the woven carpet is an overview of the birds and their (phonetic) sounds. The work is a tribute to French composer and ornithologist Olivier Messiaen, who saw colours when he heard certain sounds or musical chords (synaesthesia).
John Körmeling presented Wortelmodellen (1983) [Root Models] during his first exhibition at Zeno X Gallery in 1983. The iron tubes represent the measurements 1 to the square root of 7. In this series of Wortelmodellen, the ribs and diagonals are always roots times a single unit. To this day, this measuring system is a starting point for Körmeling’s architectural projects, which include the bicycle shed fiets&stal in Scheveningen and the work Minimaal Meten (2021) [Minimal Measuring]. Körmeling’s designs and realizations look for correspondences between art and architecture, but also urban planning and design, and always with a sense of perspective and humour.
In Fruitstad (2021) [Fruit City], each piece of fruit is given a number of windows or a door, turning the fruit basket, by definition, into a city. In this exhibition, Körmeling also presents models of realized projects, such as Vogelobservatie platform [Birdwatching Platform] in Texel and Veiligheidspaviljoen [Safety Pavillion] in Knokke (in cooperation with Compagnie-O Architecten). His design for a glass bridge in Venice was not realized. He created the sculpture Huis Buiten de Schaduwgrens (1989) [House Outside the Shadow Line] for a fund-raiser on behalf of children who require constant sunlight.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven held her first exhibition at Zeno X Gallery in 1982. To celebrate forty years of collaboration, a large solo exhibition, Placenta Saturnine Bercail, featuring old and new work, is being held at the gallery in Borgerhout. At Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South, she shows the early work Ectoplasma (1991), part of a series of four works on doors. Each work in this series depicts a kind of striptease: half hidden behind a door set ajar, duplicated by a mirror, or open like a fan. In the work Duality – Theorem (2015–16), Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven explores the tension between word and image. She places different layers of material on top of each other, just like in her recent images of women on Plexiglas.
Raoul De Keyser was the first painter to join Zeno X Gallery in 1988. Both Untitled (Le miroir de ...) (1988) [The Mirror of...] and Untitled (1987) date from the early years of the collaboration. Taking the surrounding reality as his starting point, De Keyser investigates the material and technical possibilities of painting. For instance, many of his paintings are inspired by the chalk lines of the football pitch he can see from his studio. This recognizable motif, which also appears in Untitled (Le miroir de...), is further reduced to single, double or crossed lines that relate to the pictorial space in constantly changing constellations. Colour becomes a subject in its own right in his work, as seen in Untitled (1987). The visible brushstrokes break through the monochrome and bring tension, tactility and sensitivity to the work.
Zeno X Gallery presents the retrospective exhibition Placenta Saturnine Bercail by Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (b. 1951 in Antwerp). Historical and new works illustrate her forty-year collaboration with Zeno X Gallery. A substantial publication presenting an overview of all her exhibitions in the gallery with images from the archive will be released to coincide with this exhibition.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven has collected a large database of images of women in various stages of undress. The poses, gazes, attributes and camera angles are usually very stereotypical. These clichés are occasions for her to connect the underlying meanings of the images with other, sociopolitical dimensions of society. Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven likes to look for the tension between word and image. Since images of women are regularly used to sell certain goods, Van Kerckhoven got the idea to also sell abstract ideas or concepts by juxtaposing them with images of women: “As my alter ego ‘HeadNurse’, I took ninety-six female images from my database and connected them with words from texts on internal self-organization, thermodynamics and knowledge representation. Through the systematic use and reuse of images of women – from the first nude magazines to the sexual revolution– I activated a five-step alchemical process, starting from thinkers in the baroque to Nietzsche.”
The exhibition gathers several historical works that have previously been shown at Zeno X Gallery. In 1991 Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven presented her fifth solo exhibition entitled Met Onderandere een Hard Lichaam (With Among Others a Hard Body). In that exhibition she presented a series of four works on doors, of which three are to be seen in this show, namely The Word Became Flesh (a Door to Nowhere), Resistir and Alter Ego. The fourth work, entitled Ectoplasm, will soon be on show at Zeno X Gallery Antwerp South as part of the fortieth anniversary of Zeno X Gallery. ‘I made a mental striptease starting from photos that my then boyfriend took of me in 1977. Each of those works is a different interpretation of how you expose yourself: half hidden behind a crack, doubled by a mirror, or open like a fan.’
It is striking that the themes that Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven addresses in her historical works are still the subjects that characterize her recent works: working in an intuitive and unconventional way, she explores topics such as science, language and artificial intelligence. In doing so, she creates a universe of her own, in which the oppositions between chaos and order, logic and mysticism, eroticism and technology are eliminated. She brings together the most disparate elements by combining images from the surrounding visual culture with references to elements from the symbolism of numbers and colours or findings on role patterns and other power mechanisms in society. She has also remained faithful to certain choices in terms of materials. Plexiglas is still one of the materials with which Van Kerckhoven prefers to work; to her, plastic, the synthetic, is a metaphor for the malleability of life. Reflections, symmetries and doublings are used to reveal visual information in a different way.
Some time ago, Van Kerckhoven received strange emails in which random words were listed in columns. The words were placed in threes by algorithms and she used these combinations as titles of the new works, such as Dudoute Toaster Absolu or Premiere Celu Garnitures. The title of the exhibition, Placenta Saturnine Bercail, was also generated by artificial intelligence, yet it has a specific meaning for her:
“Placenta: all the work I make starts from my womb
Saturnine: Saturn is the planet of artists
Bercail: an old French word for stable. This is how I see the security that being connected to a mother gallery gives.”
On March 30 2022 Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven will receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Antwerp.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven has had solo exhibitions at the Fridericianum in Kassel (2018), M HKA in Antwerp (2018), Kunstverein Hannover (2017), Städtisches Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach (2016), Kunstverein München (2015), Mu.ZEE in Ostend (2012), The Renaissance Society in Chicago (2011), FRAC des Pays de la Loire in Carquefou (2009), Kunsthalle Nürnberg (2009), Wiels in Brussels (2008), Kunstmuseum Luzern (2008), Kunsthalle Bern (2005), and others. Her work has also featured in exhibitions such as Manifesta 7 and has been displayed at Marta Herford, ICA Philadelphia, The Artist’s Institute in New York, Shanghai Art Museum, FRAC Nord-Pas-de-Calais in Dunkirk and Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam.
Zeno X Gallery is pleased to present the new exhibition by Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (b. 1951). The exhibition shows a wide variety of techniques and media, and brings together drawings, works on Plexiglas and a tapestry.
In 2016–18, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven’s retrospective exhibition travelled from Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach to the Kunstverein in Hannover, M HKA in Antwerp and the Fridericianum in Kassel. This special exhibition incited Van Kerckhoven to undertake an in-depth exploration of the similarities between the heyday of mysticism in these regions, around 1300, and the digital revolution that is now taking place.
The show’s title, Syzygy, refers to an Ancient Greek term that can mean ‘connection’ or ‘meeting’ but also ‘opposition’. The term surfaces regularly in astronomy when describing particular constellations of celestial bodies, but can also be understood in a metaphorical and philosophical sense. For Van Kerckhoven, ‘syzygy’ can also describe the inescapable attraction between man and woman: although both realize that dualistic distinctions are meaningless, they also know that they will never be one. This idea is thematized in the work Unweit von Dir (2017–19). Van Kerckhoven found the title on a postcard by Ludwig Wittgenstein, in which he describes his summer residence to his beloved as ‘not-far’ instead of ‘near’. It is no coincidence that Unweit von Dir depicts a well-known interior by Austrian architect Adolf Loos, who worked closely with Ludwig Wittgenstein on Haus Wittgenstein.
In addition to Unweit von Dir, a number of other works stand out through their partial abstraction: African Blonde, Bel Mij, Blank, Im Keller der Seele and Witchi Tai To. Each of these works was initially figurative and was only rendered abstract at a later stage. Van Kerckhoven claims that humankind shows its powerlessness in abstraction. Around the time of the First World War, the arts evolved in the direction of the abstract, and the phenomenon had already been present for much longer already among indigenous peoples, who sought to grasp the violence of nature, for instance. Forced into submission, woman ha also resorted to abstraction. Bel Mij (2017-2018) depicts a half-naked woman that Van Kerckhoven found in an erotic magazine. While the title refers to a feigned loneliness, the artist disrupted the female nude. Blank (2017–18) is a self-portrait of the artist whose facial features have been rendered unclear. In this case, ‘blank’ can be understood as a synonym for colourless or virgin, and, consequently, as a critique of the polarizing contradiction between white and black. Witchi Tai To (2018) shows an odalisque that Van Kerckhoven made increasingly abstract according to colour and direction. The Westerner’s longing gaze for the desirable Eastern woman is questioned in this way. The title refers to the eponymous song by Jim Pepper from 1969. The song is based on a traditional Peyote Cult song. Van Kerckhoven started Im Keller der Seele (2006–19) during her residency at the DAAD in Berlin. Three dancers perform a choreography by Rudolf von Laban (1879–1958) in a German forest.
The five drawings on the upper floor are part of the Taferelen series. The artist created most of these drawings with her left hand because of a fracture in her elbow. When looking up the definition of ‘tafereel’ (scene), Van Kerckhoven came to the conclusion that it also encompassed the human portrait, which gave her a renewed sense of freedom. Botticelli 1 and Botticelli 2 are based on famous portraits by the Italian painter of the same name. The crumpling of the tracing paper creates a particular distortion.
In the CINEMA installation by Philip Metten the film Medley 23 Feb. will be screened. Van Kerckhoven performed at Museum Fridericianum in Kassel with her noise band Club Moral (AMVK + DDV) on February 23, 2019. On the occasion of this performance she created visuals that also form the basis of Medley 23 Feb. The characters in this film were all born on this specific date: Georg Friedrich Händel, Kazimir Malevich, Tom Wesselman, Susan Atkinson and Johnny Winter.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven has had solo exhibitions at the Fridericianum in Kassel (2018), M HKA in Antwerp (2018), Kunstverein Hannover (2017), Städtisches Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach (2016), Kunstverein München (2015), Mu.ZEE in Ostend (2012), The Renaissance Society in Chicago (2011), FRAC des Pays de la Loire in Carquefou (2009), Kunsthalle Nürnberg (2009), Wiels in Brussels (2008), Kunstmuseum Luzern (2008), Kunsthalle Bern (2005), and others.
Her work has previously been part of exhibitions like Manifesta 7, and has been shown at MARTa Herford, ICA Philadelphia, the Artist’s Institute in New York, Shanghai Art Museum, FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais in Dunkirk, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, and many others.
curator: Anders Kreuger
curator: Susanne Titz
the spectacleprovides insightin the passion for collecting,theatricality,theorization,love of materialsin particularand for creationin general
just like any humanalonecan be a galaxyhe is, at the same time, its smallest cog
(Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, diary entry April 5, 2016)
Zeno X Gallery is pleased to present a new solo exhibition by Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (b. 1951, Antwerp). The exhibition articulates her various practices and brings together drawings, tapestry, and works on Plexiglass and synthetic leather.
The title of the exhibition, The Strange Life of Things, refers to an original French book from 1959, ‘La Vie Etrange des Objets’. This book, written by the French academician Maurice Rheims, tells the story of collecting. At times it is an anthropological study of the origins of the passion for collecting and the relationship that exists between object and collector. Van Kerckhoven herself is a passionate collector. For decades, she has been collecting magazines with (soft) pornographic images, which she incorporates in her collages. The books she collects also often find a place in her work in one way or another. Quotes from books become titles of works or appear as statements on drawings and other works.
The famous book ‘The Laws of Thought’ (1854) by the philosopher-mathematician George Boole in turn served as inspiration for Over voorstellingen, waar of vals (About representations, true or false). This series consists of four works that each depict one theory from logic.
The series Cosmic Update, composed of three drawings, also links iconic works from the Louvre to quotes from the eponymous book on cosmology and invisible energies. Here, Van Kerckhoven reflects on the obsessive quest of scientists for concrete evidence of things they are convinced exist. In this, Van Kerckhoven also sees a particular parallel with her own quest; through her work and the act of creation, she construes material ‘proof’ of things she senses emotionally or physically yet doesn’t really know herself.
Van Vlasselaer is a unique tapestry: Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven designed a digital collage that was woven in the traditional Jacquard technique. Julien Van Vlasselaer (1907-1982), who for years led a workshop in monumental arts at the Royal Academy of Antwerp, had an underlying influence on the practice of Van Kerckhoven, although she never took classes with him. The interior, in which the female figure is located, is also taken from the documentation book Van Vlasselaer used for his students.
The Plexiglas works with female images from the series 4 Stripteasers are based on scanned, processed pages from a French erotic magazine from 1953 entitled ‘The Stripteaser’. These works and their titles are linked to the hope and despair of the 70’s which Van Kerckhoven as a young adult saw expressed through films. She herself has always opted to resist the defeatism and nihilism that largely permeated the culture at the time.
Als een Swastika (Tibet) is part of the series Perspectiefwissels (Shifts of Perspective), which was made on imitation leather. Swastika refers to a statement from the film ‘The Women’ (1939) in which a character glorifies her life without a man: “Heaven knows it’s marvelous being able to spread out in bed like a swastika”. Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven shares Karl Valentin’s (1882-1948) belief that every thing has a positive, a negative, but also a comical side. To her, the comical side is indispensable because it ‘alleviates’ and allows a shift of perspective.
In October of this year, Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven will have a solo exhibition at the Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach, entitled ‘What Would I Do in Orbit?’. She will also participate in the Rennes Biennial and a group exhibition at the M HKA in Antwerp. Her flags that were fluttering last year at the City Hall in Antwerp will be permanently installed in the Middelheim Museum, also in Antwerp.
Earlier, Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven had solo exhibitions in, among others, Kunstverein Munich (2015), Mu.ZEE in Ostend (2012), The Renaissance Society in Chicago (2011), FRAC Pays de la Loire in Carquefou (2009), Kunsthalle Nürnberg (2009 ), Wiels in Brussels (2008), Kunstmuseum Luzern (2008), Kunsthalle Bern (2005), and M HKA in Antwerp (1999).
Her work was on view in exhibitions such as Manifesta 7, and was shown at MARTa Herford, ICA Philadelphia, The Artist’s Institute in New York, Shanghai Art Museum, FRAC Nord-Pas-de-Calais in Dunkirk, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam, and many others.
The work of Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven is included in the public collections of, among others, Kunsthalle Bern, S.M.A.K. in Ghent, FRAC Pays de la Loire in Carquefou, M HKA in Antwerp, De Vleeshal in Middelburg, Mu.ZEE in Ostend, the University of Chicago, the Royal Museums in Brussels and Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz.
curator: Chris Fitzpatrick
Zeno X Gallery is proud to present a new solo exhibition of Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (born 1951, Antwerp), ‘the Queen of the Underground’, as Rudy Vandendaele once described her aptly. In her tenth solo exhibition at Zeno X, Van Kerckhoven integrates new installation art, video, collages and text in her own idiosyncratic way. We are carried off to a universe in which a synergy arises between the female body, mysticism and technology, and in particular with the digital. In her collages, the artist combines images and words according to rhythms that manifest themselves in music, life and the soul. The images have been borrowed from the American magazine Playgirl (edition 1958) and have been rhythmically processed. Van Kerckhoven manipulates and transforms the images: she mirrors them and cuts them up; she changes the colours and makes digital annotations. Then she constructs horizontal and vertical collages, using paint as a linking element. The phrases she uses have been borrowed from texts by the mystic Marguerite Porete (1250-1310), the composer Karol Szymanowski (1982-1937) and the philosopher Henri Lefebvre (1901-1991). The words accompany the images and constitute a trialogue that is controlled by a fourth presence, namely the artist. Each Perspex collage bears the title of a chapter from Le Miroir des âmes simples et anéanties, the peculiar book written by Marguerite Porete, with whom Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven identifies herself. The new video Een fontein van Aréthuse is a reinterpretation of a film by Dimitri Kirsanoff on music by Szymanowski.
The two exhibition spaces are governed by the rhythm of three Carrels, mobile studies that represent an Enigma, Colossus and Connection Machine. To a large extent these constructions defined the wars of the twentieth and twenty- first centuries. They were used to encode and decode messages, with the aim to secure communication. But their mechanism was deciphered by the enemy and turned into a weapon against themselves. The carrels are machines that provide rest and make it possible to concentrate—machines in which one can think freely. They are reminiscent of the beautiful Kunstkammer of olden times, spaces in which one withdrew to contemplate and admire the world. At the same time, the carrels are a vehicle to turn raw digital information into human knowledge. Each carrel represents a development in the digital revolution, but also a stage of life.
Enigma, a German encryption device that was designed in the 1920s, turns pomegranate red—a reference to femininity, fertility and sexuality. The heliotrope purple core is the ultimate colour of the spectrum the human eye can distinguish from infrared; it symbolises power and faith. On the back there is a collage including an Arab star that encourages the viewer to lose oneself in meditation and becoming one. The Arab star is mainly a patriarchal symbol, to which Van Kerckhoven adds a circle version to give a more universal dimension. In other images as well, the male is the central theme. The upper image features a vagina dentata, a woman with her legs spread, showing the all-devouring vagina. Underneath, a boy’s room is presented as a prehistoric cave—the place where a boy underwent the rites to become a man.
A decryption device that was used by Great-Brittain during the Second World War inspired the second carrel, Colossus. It was one of the first machines that could be programmed. The structure of this carrel is painted in gris de Versaille and fragments a reproduction of the bourgeois interior of a Parisian collector. The purple and black colours emphasize the decadence and doubt of the system that is highlighted here. In Van Kerckhoven’s view, capitalism has attacked itself and has collapsed. A moment of awakening has come.
Connection Machine is not a clear statement; it is not yet defined and represents the present. The dark orange sheet of Perspex is transparent. There is a prudent optimism with regard to the future. Thus we arrive at the first parallel data processing unit from the 1980s build in the United States of America.
For Van Kerckhoven, the development of humans and technology are inextricably linked—a link that is certainly not disastrous. Technology is essential to cope with the complexity of a constantly changing society. Though it also involves dangers, it is a problem-solving mechanism we cannot do without. Already at a young age, she felt affinity with artificial materials such as plastic and synthetic fabrics, and she developed a fascination with artificial intelligence. Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven’s glance is fragmented and cannot be captured in time or space. She does not like to subject herself to systems or structures and she analyses luxury, decadence and theorizing. Through associations and using rhythm, she creates new images in which the eye and the mind can wander freely. The patient, inquisitive viewer will be rewarded with a discovery, a moment of revelation and reflection.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven is not just famous for her visual work, but also as a member of Club Moral, a noise band she founded in the 1980s with her husband Danny Devos. In the meantime Mauro Pawlowski and Aldo Struyf have joined as core members. On the occasion of the exhibition In a Saturnian World in the Renaissance Society in Chicago (US) the band once again entered the stage. Later the exhibition travelled to Mu.ZEE in Ostend (BE). Earlier she had been invited for solo exhibitions in various places, including the FRAC Pays de la Loire in Carquefou (FR), in the Kunsthalle Nürnberg (DE), Wiels in Brussels (BE), the Kunstmuseum Luzern (CH), the Neuer Aachener Kunstverein (DE) and the M HKA BE). Her work has been on view at group exhibitions in the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin (IT), the MARTa Herford (DE), La galerie, Centre d’art Contemporain in Noisy-le-Sec (FR), the ICA in Philadelphia (US), the S.M.A.K. in Ghent (BE), the Kunsthalle in Bern (CH), the Museum M in Leuven (BE), the Museum Abteilberg in Mönchengladbach (DE), the National Museum of Singapore (SGP), the Shangai Art Museum (CN), and in many other places. Works by Van Kerckhoven are part of various museum collections, such as the S.M.A.K. in Ghent (BE), the M HKA in Antwerp (BE), Mu.ZEE in Ostend (BE), the Royal Museums of Fine Art of Belgium, the FRAC Pays de la Loire (FR), the University of Chicago (US) and the Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz (PL). (Benedicte Goesaert, thanks to Leen Huet)
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink, watercolour and pencil on paper41,2 x 29,3 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink, blood and pencil on paper41,2 x 29,3 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink and watercolour on paper39,8 x 28,3 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink, coloured pencil and pen on paper21,1 x 27,3 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink on paper21, x 29,4 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink and plastic on paper51 x 40,3 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink on printed paper49,5 x 74,5 cm
Pélagie GbaguidiLes éléphants demandent une sépulture2023wax pastel and coloured pencil on paper36,7 x 55 cm
Pélagie GbaguidiGuerre et sentiments2023wax pastel and coloured pencil on paper36,7 x 55 cm
Pélagie GbaguidiEtrange grenier2023wax pastel and coloured pencil on paper36,7 x 55 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink, blood and watercolour on paper21,4 x 27,4 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink, watercolour and pencil on paper21,4 x 50,3 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020blood, henna and pencil on paper28 x 30,8 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink, markers and textile on paper30,4 x 43,2 cm
Mounira Al Solh13 April, 13 April, 13 April2020ink, watercolour and pen on paper(27,4 x 21,6 cm) + (27,2 x 21,1 cm)
Pélagie GbaguidiTrame et Relation2023wax pastel and coloured pencil on paper27,5 x 36,7 cm
Pélagie GbaguidiIelles sèment avec le vent2023wax pastel and coloured pencil on pape
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 2 (Calligraphy 2)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 3 (Calligraphy 3)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 5 (Calligraphy 5)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 6 (Calligraphy 6)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 7 (Calligraphy 7)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 8 (Calligraphy 8)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 10 (Calligraphy 10)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 13 (Calligraphy 13)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 14 (Calligraphy 14)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKalligraphie 15 (Calligraphy 15)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery, AntwerpInstallation view
Photo: Ria PacquéeCourtesy LLS Paleis, AntwerpInstallation view
Photo: David Samyn Courtesy the artistInstallation view Luc Tuymans and Pélagie Gbaguidi
Photo: David SamynCourtesy the artistInstallation view Luc Tuymans
Photo: David SamynCourtesy the artist and Zeno X GalleryInstallation view Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Photo: David SamynCourtesy the artist and Zeno X GalleryInstallation view Pélagie Gbaguidi
Photo: Christine ClinckxCourtesy M HKAInstallation view Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Photo: Christine ClinckxCourtesy M HKAInstallation view Marlene Dumas
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view Patrick Van Caeckenbergh
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view Raoul De Keyse
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view Luc Tuymans
Photo: Dirk PauwelsInstallation view Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Patrick Van CaeckenberghTeddie1988 - 1989mixed mediavariable dimensions
Patrick Van CaeckenberghHet Muziekbos (Het Weeftapijt) (The Musical Forest [The Woven Carpet])2021mixed media
Patrick Van CaeckenberghLe secrétaire (collection de peaux) (The Secretary [Collection of Skins])2018 - 2022wood, paper on cardboard, print, metal, curtain tassel, porcelain, wooden shelvesvariable dimensions
Raoul De KeyserUntitled (Le miroir de) (Untitled [The Mirror of...])1988oil on canvas70 x 50 cm
John KörmelingVeiligheidspaviljoen, Knokke-Heist (Safety Pavilion, Knokke-Heist)2015 - 2019scale model: plaster, iron wire, wood19 x 51,2 x 32 cm
John KörmelingTE KOOP2020 - 2022cotton, silkscreen
John KörmelingFruitstad (Fruit City)2021plastic, paper, pencil45 x 55 x 40 cm
John KörmelingMinimaal Meten (Minimal Measuring)20223D print in plastic, wood20,1 x 98 x 42 cm
John KörmelingVogelobservatie Platform, Prins Hendrikzanddijk, Texel (Birdwatching Platform, Prins Hendrikzanddijk, Texel)2019scale model: plaster, iron wire, tempex and wood7 x 84 x 52 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1987oil on canvas48 x 30 cm
John KörmelingGlass Bridge, Ponte dell'Academia, Venice1985scale model: glass, plexi dome, marble and blue limestone21,5 x 65,0 x 21,0 cm
John KörmelingHuis Buiten de Schaduwgrens, Muiderslot (House Outside the Shadow Limits, Muiderslot)1989scale model: plaster, iron, iron wire and styrofoam80,0 x 29,5 x 25,0 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery - AntwerpInstallation view
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenZwevend (Floating)1999monoprint, silkscreen paint and felt-tip on PVC50,1 x 38,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKennis Septaal (Knowledge Septal)1998acrylic, spray paint on plexi24,4 x 17,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMeesteres, Ik Dorst (Mistress, I Crave)1992pencil, silkscreen paint and monoprints on plexi
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAanbid Eerst Mij (Adore me First)1992pencil, silkscreen paint and monoprints on plexi27,2 x 37,1 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Abstract Isn't Sexually Stimulating2001computer animation (edition of 3 + 1 AP)2'58" continuous loop
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenLacazreto Onnet Coppeau2021collage, magazine pages, acrylic on plexi, mounted on wood99,8 x 149,8 x 5,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven95. Ondersteunen (Support)1996silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi29,5 x 20,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven88. Verscherping (Sharpening)1996silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi29,5 x 20,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven84. Negatieve Evolutie (Positive Evolution)1996silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi29,5 x 20,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven91. Beperking (Restriction)1996silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi29,5 x 20,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Word Became Flesh (a Door to Nowhere)1991silkscreen paint and plastic foil on Trovicel, mounted on wood with iron hinges202 x 82,5 x 4,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Required Particular1995acrylic and silkscreen paint on plexi51,5 x 44,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKilling Younger Selves2010double-sided digital prints on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 133,5 x 5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSchijn / Spanning / Strijd / Tragiek / Val (Appearance / Tension / Battle / Tragedy / Fall)1992engraving, silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi5 x (21 x 25 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Failure of Symbolic Thought2007digital UV-hardened print on collage, mounted on PVC sheet100 x 100 x 0,1 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHow Postmodernism...2008digital UV-hardened print on collage, mounted on PVC sheet100 x 100 x 0,1 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTo Dismantle All This?2008digital UV-hardened print on collage, mounted on PVC sheet100 x 100 x 0,1 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenWhose Unabomber?2008digital UV-hardened print on collage, mounted on PVC sheet100 x 100 x 0,1 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven18. Equilibrium1996acrylic and silkscreen paint on PVC29,6 x 25 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenFreestyle Backpackeuse Tremblement2021table cloth, acrylic, digital print on plexi, mounted on wood100 x 135 x 5,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSpiegel (Mirror)1987plastic foil and photocopy on Darvic with iron200 x 200 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDrie Bewegingen (Three Movements)1993silkscreen paint and felt-tip on plexi(28,6 x 19,6) + (28,1 x 20,4) + (28,4 x 18,9) cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEngrammen2021dry and oil pastel, pencil and coloured pencil on paper150 x 114 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenL.F. Céline2021dry and oil pastel, pencil and coloured pencil on paper150 x 114,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOnder Invloed van (Under the Influence of)2021dry and oil pastel, pencil and coloured pencil on paper150 x 97,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe Hersenen = aan het Veranderen (The Brain = Changing)1997 - 1998acrylic and silkscreen paint on PVC3 x (25 x 13,2 cm)
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven2 Meettoestellen (2 Measuring Devices)1998silkscreen paint and acrylic on PVC2 x (25 x 13,5 cm)
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven26. Intikken (Type In)1996acrylic and silkscreen paint on PVC29,2 x 25 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenA - X + B = 122020computer animation (edition of 3 + 1 AP)33'
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAdhesie IV (Adhesion IV)1976Chinese ink, felt-tip and coloured pencil on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenNa het Einde van de Wereld (After the End of the World)1975Chinese ink, felt-tip and coloured pencil on paper36 x 27 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenL'espace figuratif moderne (the Modern Figurative Space)2008ink, oil pastel, felt-tip and pencil on paper30 x 30 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenWe Cast Our Eyes to the Sea2008ink, oil pastel, felt-tip on paper30 x 30 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenArthur Danto2005Lambda print integrated in plexi lightbox40 x 75 x 14,5 cm
N. DashCommuter (2)2019 - 2020acrylic, paper52,4 x 37,8 cm20,63 x 14,88 in
N. DashCommuter (1)2019 - 2020acrylic, paper39,4 x 51,6 cm15,51 x 20,31 in
Luc TuymansThe Owl2019acrylic ink on polyester tracing paper27 x (28,7 x 15,8 cm) animated video: variable dimensions
Michaël BorremansThe Feast2019pencil and white ink on paper26,7 x 21,2 cm
Mark MandersUntitled1994pencil on paper29,6 x 21 cm
Mark MandersUntitled2000pencil on paper42 x 29,5 cm
Mark MandersDrawing with a Glass functioning as an O1999pencil on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Mark MandersUntitled2009pencil on paper21 x 29,7 cm
Mark MandersUntitled1994paint and pencil on paper32 x 25 cm
Mark MandersUntitled1995pencil on paper29,7 x 21 cm
Kees GoudzwaardTwo Connected Flag Fragments2015acrylic on cardboard29,6 x 21,1 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenZonder Commentaar2019collage on coloured paper3 x (32 x 24 cm)
Hyun-Sook SongUntitled2014 - 2018tempera on paper22,5 x 27,4 cm
Hyun-Sook SongUntitled2011tempera on paper30,8 x 20,5 cm
Hyun-Sook SongUntitled2018tempera on paper30,8 x 23,5 cm
N. DashUntitled2019acrylic, paper55,9 x 32,4 cm22,01 x 12,76 in
N. DashUntitled2019graphite, paper54,6 x 53,3 cm21,5 x 20,98 in
Marlene DumasSleeping Nymph2003acrylic and ink on paper62 x 85 cm
Kees GoudzwaardWorking Materials2019acrylic on cardboard50 x 40 cm
Kees GoudzwaardUntitled2019acrylic on paper65,1 x 49,9 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenZonder Woorden2019collage on coloured paper3 x (32 x 24 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenZonder Uitleg2019collage on coloured paper3 x (32 x 24 cm)
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp
Photo: Helene TorresdotterCourtesy the artist and Zeno X Gallery, AntwerpInstallation view
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMedley 23 Feb.2019computer animation (edition of 3 + 1 AP)37 minutes - continuous loop
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIn de Vaas, Uit de Vaas (In the Vase, Out of the Vase)2019pencil, dry pastel and oil pastel on pastel card39,5 x 59,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUnweit von Dir2017 - 2019digital prints on two layers of plexi, acrylic finishing, mounted on painted wooden board (edition of 2)112 x 158 x 4,3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAantrekkingskrachten (Attractions)2019pencil, dry pastel and oil pastel on pastel card39,5 x 59,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenWitchi Tai To2018acrylic, silkscreen paint, spray paint, acrylic marker and oil pencil on PVC, mounted on wood100 x 200 x 2,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAfrican Blonde2016 - 2019silkscreen paint, acrylic, acrylic marker and spray paint on plexi mounted wood86,9 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIm Keller der Seele2006 - 2019digital print on plexi, acrylic finsihing, mounted on painted wooden board112 x 149 x 3,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBlik / Eyes1999 - 2017mixed media on PVC, on wood51 x 43,6 x 2,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBlank2017 - 2018silkscreen paint, acrylic, acrylic marker and spray paint on plexi mounted on wood52,4 x 54,7 x 2,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBotticelli 12018pencil, ink and felt tip on paper30,5 x 23 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBotticelli 22018pencil, ink and felt tip on paper30,5 x 23 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSynth-Stars2019digital prints on two layers of plexi, acrylic and gesso finishing121 x 96,3 x 1 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBel Mij (Call Me)2017 - 2018silkscreen paint, acrylic, acrylic marker and spray paint on plexi mounted on wood57 x 36 x 2,3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenJeanne (2X)2018 - 2019acrylic, silkscreen paint, acrylic marker and adhesive foil on PVC, mounted on painted wooden board101 x 78 x 2,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenGeen Beter Plaats dan Hier (No Better Place Than Here)2019carpet jacquard printed (edition of 2 + 1 AP)150 x 223 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDul (A Space Oddity) (Mad (A Space Oddity))2019transparent PVC sheet, paper, acrylic, silkscreen paint, spray paint, acrylic marker and oil pencil on PVC, mounted on wood100 x 200 x 3,3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHarmonie en Atavisme (Harmony and Atavism)2019pencil, dry pastel and oil pastel on pastel card39,5 x 59,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAanbiddingen (Worships)2019pencil, dry pastel and oil pastel on pastel card39,5 x 59,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe Kunstenaar, Bezeten (The Artist, Posessed)2019pencil, dry pastel and oil pastel on pastel card39,5 x 59,4 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery - Antwerp
Photo: Dirk PauwelsCourtesy the artist and S.M.A.K., GhentInstallation view Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Photo: Dirk PauwelsCourtesy the artist and S.M.A.K., GhentInstallation view Bart Stolle
Photo: Dirk PauwelsCourtesy the artist and S.M.A.K., GhentInstallation view N. Dash
Photo: Nicolas WefersCourtesy the artist and Fridericianum, KasselInstallation view
Photo: Christine ClinckxCourtesy the artist and M HKA, AntwerpInstallation view
Anton CorbijnJohnny Halliday, London1994inkjet print on Hahnemühle 285 grs. fine art pearl photo paper, mounted on dibond (edition of 5 + 2 AP)
Anton CorbijnKurt Cobain, Seattle1993inkjet print on Hahnemühle 285 grs. fine art pearl photo paper mounted on dibond (edition of 5 + 2 AP)
John KörmelingDrollie's Kamer (Drollie's Room)2015pencil on coloured paper21 x 29,7 cm
John KörmelingDe Wereld in Rechte Lijnen2016pencil on paper21 x 30 cm
John KörmelingDe Kloppende Kalender2017pencil on paper29 x 41,5 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled1999watercolour on paper16 x 11 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenModerne Anesthesie (Modern Anesthesia)2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper30,5 x 40,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIl l'avait connu à port Said (He Had Known Him in Port Said)2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper30,5 x 40,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUne italienne nommée Carmen (An Italian Woman Named Carmen)2015-2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper30,5 x 40,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenI Tried to Drown My Sorrows2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper32 x 24 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSome Style Is Legendary2017pencil, coloured pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper30,5 x 22,8 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for Noumena (2)2015oil, acrylic and silkscreen on paper65,5 x 45,5 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for Noumena (4)2015oil, acrylic and silkscreen on paper65,5 x 45,5 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for Noumena (3)2015oil, acrylic and silkscreen on paper65,5 x 45,5 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for Noumena (1)2015oil, acrylic and silkscreen on paper65,5 x 45,5 cm
Johannes KahrsUntitled (nude with shadow)2017charcoal and pastel on paper143,5 x 109,2 cm
Yun-Fei JiParty Secretary's Dream2015ink and watercolour on Xuan paper mounted on silk38,6 x 104,4 cm
Yun-Fei JiThe Meeting2015ink and watercolour on Xuan paper mounted on silk80,4 x 62,8 cm
Cristof YvoréUntitled2008collage, pencil and graphite on digital print27 x 39 cm
Cristof YvoréUntitled2013ballpoint pen and soft pastel on paper21,9 x 29,7 cm
Cristof YvoréUntitled2011gouache on paper14 x 11,5 cm
Jan De MaesschalckDeparture at the crack of day2016acrylic on paper68,5 x 52 cm
Jan De MaesschalckDomesticated #82015acrylic on newspaper30 x 44,4 cm
Jan De MaesschalckDomesticated #212015acrylic on newspaper30 x 22,2 cm
Anton CorbijnNick Cave (piano), London1997inkjet print on Hahnemühle 285 grs. fine art pearl photo paper, mounted on dibond (edition of 5 + 2 AP)125 x 125 cm
Bart StolleLFMS0502152015ink and pencil on paper21 x 13,2 cm
Bart StolleLFMS1508152015ink and pencil on paper13,2 x 21 cm
Bart StolleLFMS0608152015ink and pencil on paper13,2 x 21 cm
Bart StolleUntitledDBS2015_091pencil and ink on pape
Grace SchwindtThree Steel Sculptures and Salt in Corridor from Above2015pencil, acrylic on paper42 x 27,5 cm
Grace SchwindtDancer in Colour Dress2016pencil, acrylic on paper42 x 29,7 cm
Grace SchwindtFamily House2014pencil, acrylic on paper40,5 x 29,3 cm
Grace SchwindtDancer Pausing on Shape2016pencil, acrylic on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Grace SchwindtBlade2014pencil, acrylic on paper34,9 x 27,7 cm
Grace SchwindtRed Rectangle2014pencil, acrylic on paper34,2 x 27,7 cm
Grace SchwindtFigure for a Dance2015pencil, acrylic on paper42 x 29,7 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy the artist and Abteiberg, MochengladbachInstallation view
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIk Mag dan een Bitch Zijn (I Maybe a Bitch)2015 - 2016acrylic, spray paint on black PVC and digital print on plexi mounted on wood with steel screws125,5 x 106,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBitter Tranen en Wederopstanding (Bitter Tears and Resurrection)2015 - 2016acrylic on digital prints on plexi, mounted on wooden board with metal screws83 x 110 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenZweep (Calais)2015 - 2016printed sticker, paint, collage on synthetic leather, sailcloth rings112 x 85,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenVast (Guantanamo)2015 - 2016printed sticker, paint, collage on synthetic leather, sailcloth rings112 x 85,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenWij Mikken op Elegantie (Setting the Elegance)2015 - 2016acrylic, pastel, spray paint, letters on PVC mounted on wood with steel screws125,5 x 109 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenLiefde is Kouder dan de Dood (Love is Colder than Death)2015 - 2016acrylic on digital prints on plexi, mounted on wooden board with metal screws84 x 112 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenStars Will Continue2015pencil, colour pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper28,1 x 21 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOur Stelliferous Era2015pencil, colour pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel and ink on paper28,1 x 21 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe Wereld aan een Draad (World on a Wire)2015 - 2016acrylic on digital prints on plexi, mounted on wooden board with metal screws84 x 111 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDraagwijdte en Noodzaak van een Uiteindelijke Aantrekkingskracht (The Extent and Necessity of a Final Appeal)2015mixed media on PVC mounted with steel screws in wooden frame166 x 141 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe Verhouding van de Dingen (The Relation of Things)2015mixed media on PVC mounted with steel screws in wooden frame166 x 141 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven...Niet in Vraag Gesteld te Worden (...Not to be Questioned)2015mixed media on PVC mounted with steel screws in wooden frame166 x 141 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOvertuigend Bewijs (Conclusive Proof)2015mixed media on PVC mounted with steel screws in wooden frame166 x 141 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenVerborgen Lagen (Hidden Layers)20144 colour screen print on paper, hand printed by the artist, Simili Japon 225gr (2 of 3)62,5 x 84,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenVan Vlasselaer2016cotton tapestry (1 of 2)195 x 290 cm
Photo: Johannes SchwartzCourtesy the artist and Kunstverein München, MunichInstallation view
Kim JonesUntitled2010 - 2011acrylic and ink on photograph25,2 x 20,2 cm
Michaël BorremansNoses III2011pencil and watercolour on paper22,5 x 29,7 cm
Michaël BorremansNoses I + II2010pencil and watercolour on paper2 x (16,4 x 24,8 cm)
Bart StolleLandscape2013ink and acrylic on paper29,5 x 40,5 cm
Bart StolleMovements in space2013ink and acrylic on paper29,5 x 40,5 cm
Bart StolleCity2013ink and acrylic on paper29,5 x 40,5 cm
Bart StolleUntitled 13/22013ink on paper21 x 13,4 cm
Bart StolleHollorith 22013ink on paper21 x 13,4 cm
Bart StolleUntitled 12/22012ink and acrylic on paper21 x 13,4 cm
Bart StolleUntitled 12/052012pencil, ink and acrylic on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleUntitled 11/22011pencil and acrylic on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleAtoumat2008pencil, watercolour and acrylic on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleKeep on Tryin'2008watercolour on paper20,9 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleUntitled2008ink and pencil on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Bart StolleUntitled2008watercolour on paper21 x 13,5 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Torso (Design for Torso)1999collage, watercolour85,5 x 30 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Torso (Design for Torso)1999collage, watercolour72 x 20,5 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Torso (Design for Torso)1999collage, watercolour76 x 23,5 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Torso (Design for Torso)1999collage, watercolour68,5 x 19,5 cm
Kim JonesUntitled2013acrylic and ink on photograph30,4 x 20,3 cm
Kim JonesUntitled1974 - 1980s- 2010acrylic and ink on photograph45,7 x 30,5 cm
Kim JonesUntitled1980 - 2010acrylic and ink on photograph45,7 x 30,3 cm
Kim JonesUntitled1999 - 2009acrylic and ink on photograph45,7 x 30,4 cm
Yun-Fei JiMarshal Peng Dehuai and His Hungry Ghosts2007mineral pigments and ink on rice paper81,5 x 173,5 cm
Mircea SuciuSelf Portrait2014charcoal on paper100 x 70 cm
Mircea SuciuStudy for the Iron Curtain2013charcoal on paper150 x 184 cm
Raoul De KeyserUntitled2002watercolour on Ingres paper64,5 x 47,8 cm
Mark MandersYellow Bathtub1997sand and glue on paper240 x 462 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoventch'eng (7 9 2012)2012mixed media77 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenYouth Code2012collage, drawing and mixed media on paper36 x 45,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenNonplus (No Longer)2012collage, drawing and mixed media on paper36 x 45,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKoh-I-Noor2013collage, pencil, acrylic and pastel on paper40,5 x 30,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenQuantised, Quantity2013collage, pencil, acrylic and pastel on paper40,5 x 30,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUnique!2013collage, pencil, acrylic and pastel on paper40,5 x 30,4 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEntre l'onction de paix et la guerre (Between Making Peace and War Itself)2013 - 2014casein paint, acrylic and spray paint on digital prints on Perspex, photocopy on paper, mounted on wood with paint and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDu coeur de son amour, du noble loin-près (Chap.136) (From the Heart of HIs Love, from the Noble Far and Near [Ch. 136])2014casein paint, acrylic and spray paint on digital prints on Perspex, photocopy on paper, mounted on wood with glue, paint and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenVolonté et nécessité (Chap.99) (Will and Necessity [Ch. 99])2014casein paint, acrylic and spray paint on digital prints on Perspex, photocopy on paper, mounted on wood with glue, paint and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenL'âme ne peut rien d'elle même (Chap. 34) (The Soul Can Do Nothing of Itself [Ch. 34])2014casein paint and acrylic on digital prints on Perspex, photocopy on paper, mounted on wood with glue, paint and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOù commencent les demandes de l'âme (Chap. 107) (Where the Soul's Demands Begin [Ch. 107])2014casein paint, acrylic and spray paint on digital prints on Perspex, photocopy on paper, adhesive foil, mounted on wood with paint and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenComment l'âme a connaissance de ce qui la dépasse (Chap. 46) En quoi, de quoi et pourquoi (Chap. 57) (How the Soul Has Knowledge of that which Is beyond It [Ch. 46] In What, of What and Why [Ch. 7])2014casein paint, acrylic and spray paint on digital prints on Perspex, photocopy on paper, adhesive foil, mounted on wood with glue, plaint and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenCet ardeur du désir du vouloir de l'esprit (Chap. 79) (This Ardour of Desire of the Will of the Spirit ([Ch. 79])2014casein paint, acrylic and spray paint on digital prints on Perspex, photocopy on paper, mounted on wood with glue, paint and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenCette âme a pris congé des vertus (Chap. 21) (This Soul Has Taken Leave of the Virtues [Ch. 21])2014acrylic and spray paint on digital prints on Perspex, mounted on wood with paint and metal screws100 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenRhythm 12014photocopy on repro film, textile, paper30 x 21 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenCarrel 3 (Connexion)2014painted meranti multiplex carrel with transparent coloured plexi back, painted wall201 x 240 x 62 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven12 Playgirls, Structured2014screenprint on cardboard12 x (100,0 x 100,0 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUne fontaine d'Aréthuse (A Fountain of Aréthuse)2014computer animation (edition of 3)5'06"
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUne fontaine d'Aréthuse (A Fountain of Aréthuse)2014computer animation (1 of 3)5'06"
Yun-Fei JiThe Dead Are also Moving2007mineral pigments and ink on rice paper89,5 x 97 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKunstmanen (Artificial Moons)2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenToo Much Love Too Much2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIn een Saturnische Wereld (In a Saturnian World)2009mixed technique on paper43,5 x 35,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenElan saturnienne (Saturnine Momentum)2008 - 2011mixed technique on paper43,5 x 35,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenObservations saturniennes (Saturnine Observations)2008 - 2011mixed technique on paper43,5 x 35,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenConfusion saturnienne (Saturnine Confusion)2011mixed technique on paper43,5 x 35,5 cm
Dirk BraeckmanR.E.-R.C.-082008ultrachrome inkjet print (edition of 5)30,7 x 23 cm
Dirk BraeckmanR.E.-R.D.-082008ultrachrome inkjet print (edition of 5)30,3 x 23 cm
R.E.-R.F.-082008ultrachrome inkjet print (edition of 5)30,3 x 23 cm
Kim JonesFurka1991 - 2006 - 200730,5 x 45,6 cm
Kim JonesWeather Control1975 - 2007acrylic and ink on photograph30,5 x 45,6 cm
Kim JonesMonkey1990 - 2007acrylic and ink on photograph45,6 x 30,5 cm
Kim JonesDancers1975 - 2007acrylic and ink on photograph45,6 x 30,5 cm
Kim JonesUntitled (Chicago)1981 - 2007acrylic and ink on photograph45,6 x 30,4 cm
Kim JonesApe Wars1980 - 2007acrylic and ink on photograph40,6 x 60,6 cm
Kim JonesUntitled1984 - 2007acrylic and ink on photograph40,6 x 60,6 cm
Photo: Peter Cox
Photo: Sven DecroosCourtesy the artist and Mu.Zee, OstendInstallation view
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBackwards2000computer animation, 5' (1 of 3)variable dimensions
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Real Treasure2007 - 2008mixed media on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenArt-pollution2007 - 2008mixed media on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIn de Regenboog (In the Rainbow)2007 - 2008mixed media on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenExistence of Individuals2008mixed media on paper30 x 30 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Fraction Pattern2008mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIk Doe Beroep op het Spel (I Appeal to the Game)2009mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIk Onderga (I Suffer)2009mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSlow Brain Kinetics2009mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHybrid Media Plot2009mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe Vuurademhaling (The Fire Respiration)2009collage and mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHergeboorte (Rebirth)2009mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMagnetische Monopolen (Magnetic Monopoles)2009collage and mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDrie Bollen (Three Balls)2009mixed media on paper27 x 36 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThis Is the Voice of Freedom2009double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,7 x 122,3 x 6,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenFrom Sink to Bed2009double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 122,5 x 6,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIf She's Done a Good Day's Work2009double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 122,5 x 6,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIn My Maiden Form2009double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 122,5 x 6,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSlug'em and Leave'em2009double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 122,5 x 6,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBetter Watch Out2009double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 122,5 x 6,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenStripped for Action2009double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 122,5 x 6,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHi Honey2009double-sided digital print on plexi, gesso, mirror102,5 x 122,5 x 6,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenWoest (Enraged)2009mixed media on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenI Will Discuss the View2009mixed media on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenFrom the Self-Fields2009mixed media on paper29,7 x 42 cm
Photo: Wim Van NuetenCourtesy the artist and WIELS, BrusselsInstallation view
John KörmelingBetter City, Better Life, Happy Street - Het Interieur is Buiten2006pencil on paper30,0 x 42,5 cm
John KörmelingHet Nederlands Paviljoen 2010, Happy Street2006pencil on paper30 x 52 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghOntwerp voor Fluitketel (Design for Singing Teakettle)1999collage58,5 x 35 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghZelfportret (Self-portrait)1999collage56 x 38 cm
Cristof YvoréLe tapis d'Edward1993oil on canvas33,5 x 31 cm
Marlene DumasGive the People What They Want1992oil on canvas40 x 30 cm
Luc TuymansDer Diagnostische Blick IV1992oil on paper57 x 38 cm
Yun-Fei JiThe Water Buffalo2006mineral pigment on rice paper33 x 32,8 cm
Anton CorbijnBjörk, Los Angeles1994gelatin silver print handprinted on oriental Seagull paper (edition of 20)68 x 69 cm
Dirk BraeckmanA.D.F.-B.E.-032003gelatin silver print mounted on aluminium support (edition of 3 + 1 AP)180 x 120 cm
Dirk BraeckmanHinge #12006ultrachrome inkjet print on Fuji photo rag paper mounted on aluminium support (edition of 5 + 1 AP)49 x 36 cm
Mark MandersFragment from Self-Portrait as a Building1986 - 1992painted bronze, mixed media (1 of 3)variable dimensions
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHomo Bulla1983 - 1984acrylic on plexi, mounted on steel plate100,3 x 201,5 cm
Patrick Van CaeckenberghSchildpad (Turtle)1990turtle shell, mixed media15 x 20 x 30 cm
Michaël BorremansThe Resemblance2006oil on canvas2 x (36 x 42 cm)
Michaël BorremansWeight200535mm, 9'44", continuous loop (edition of 3 + 1 AP)35,5 x 27,5 x 4 cm
Miriam CahnKrieg1998oil on canvas(90,5 x 56,8) + (105 x 60,5) cm
Raoul De KeyserDisaster2006charcoal, oil and gesso on canvas56 x 48 cm
Raoul De KeyserFlow2006oil on canvas36 x 30 cm
Jan De MaesschalckUntitled2002acrylic on paper27,3 x 36 cm
Jan De MaesschalckUntitled2003acrylic on paper27 x 35,7 cm
Stan DouglasRookery, Burnaby2001C-print (edition of 7)125 x 171 cm
Marlene DumasTina2006oil on canvas110 x 130 cm
Marc GoethalsUntitled1986oil on canvas18 x 24 cm
Kees GoudzwaardScreen2006oil on canvas120 x 80 cm
Mary HeilmannJohngiorno1995oil on canvas196 x 146 cm
Arturo HerreraUntitled (Dia Collage)1998mixed media on paper30,5 x 22,8 cm
Yun-Fei JiTwo Men with Bags2006mineral pigment on rice paper50,5 x 39,5 cm
Kim JonesUntitled (war drawing)2005 - 2006pencil on paper63,6 x 96,3 cm
Johannes Kahrsuntitled (origine du monde)1997charcoal and pastel on paper118 x 84 cm
Johannes KahrsMik's hand2005oil on canvas52 x 62 cm
John KörmelingMeeting point2005scale model, metal11 x 38 x 20 cm
Bernd LohausUntitled1984wooden crate with silver paper44,5 x 35 x 6 cm
Mark MandersFragment from Self-Portrait as a Building1993mixed media(12 x 90 x 15,5 cm) + (24,5 x Ø11,5 cm) + (12,5 x Ø10 cm)
Arno Nollendoped at anna's Barcelona2002colour photograph (edition of 5)45,5 x 30 cm
Arno NollenTrainingsjasje2004colour photograph (edition of 5)45 x 30 cm
Avery PreesmanUntitled2000wood, concrete95 x 70 x 45 cm
Gert Robijns26 x 26 alphabet1985mixed media32,5 x 110 x 130 cm
Jenny ScobelMackerel Sky2006graphite, watercolour and wax on gessoed wood107 x 61 cm
Maria SerebriakovaUntitled1989wood161 x 41 x 53 cm
Maria SerebriakovaUntitled1989wood160 x 70 x 31 cm
Maria SerebriakovaUntitled1989wood160 x 49 x 48 cm
Maria SerebriakovaUntitled1992book sculpture with house20 x 37 x 25 cm
Maria SerebriakovaLandscape2006oil on wood45 x 35 cm
Miroslav TichyUntitled ( and white photograph16,8 x 12,4 cm
Miroslav TichyUntitled ( and white photograph17,9 x 7,9 cm
Miroslav TichyUntitled ( silver print27,2 x 19,6 cm
Luc TuymansImperméable2006oil on canvas224 x 94 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenRewritten, It Was Later to Become2005digital print, plexi and Forex41 x 75 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenChippendale (Angel in the House)2005digital print, plexi and Forex35 x 75 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenRewritten, It Was Later to Become2005Lambda print integrated in plexi lightbox41 x 75 x 14,5 cm
Cristof YvoréUntitled2006oil on canvas68,5 x 86 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp25 years Zeno X Gallery - installation view
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenQue je suis une force rationelle (That I Am a Rational Force)1999felt-tip on paper25,4 x 17,3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenQue le sommeil et la souffrance diffèrent (That Sleep and Suffering Differ)1999felt-tip on paper25,4 x 17,3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenPremière contradiction logique (First Logical Contradiction)1999felt-tip on paper25,4 x 17,3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenQue la fin de la loi est la perfection (That the End of the Law Is Perfection)1999felt-tip on paper25,4 x 17,3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenRorty2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)27 x 45 x 3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDeleuze2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)45 x 27 x 3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMc Luhan2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)22,6 x 44,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenFreud2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)20 x 45 x 3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenGrimm2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)23 x 45 x 3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBaudelaire2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)25 x 45 x 3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDennett2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)26 x 45 x 3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHouellebecq2003Diasec, digital print mounted between plexi and Forex with magnetic back (edition of 3)21 x 45 x 3 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDieper (Deeper)2003video installation: 4 black plexi sheets, 5 mirror sheets, 2 DVD's, 1 rotatorvariable dimensions
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTo Develop Flexibility2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSacrospinalis2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIlliacus Origin2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenLatissimus Dorsi2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAbdominis2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenRhomboideus Major & Minor2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenA mesure que les esprits e corrompent (As the Spirits Corrupt)2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenKinesiology in Nursing2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenLateral Flexion2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMundus Sensibilis2003Indian ik and coloured pencil on paper25,5 x 20,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenProber 51998acrylic on PVC with magnetic back50 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUitgloeien (to Anneal)1998print on plexi20 x 17,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenAccepteren, Assimileren, Absorberen (Accept, Assimilate, Absorb)1997acrylic on plexi3 x (25 x 13,5 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenChrome-Q1997acrylic and silkscreen paint on PVC25 x 13,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSacoche (Handbag)1997acrylic on plexi25 x 13,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHet Lege Graf (The Empty Grave)1995pastel and felt-tip on Trovicel and plexi, mounted on wood124,5 x 179,5 x 5,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenHet Oordeel over de Wereld (The Judgement on the World)1994 - 1995acrylic on Trovicel and plexi, mounted on wood122 x 179,5 x 6,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOnderlinge Liefde (Mutual Love)1994 - 1995synthetic paint and acrylic on Trovicel, paper and plexi, mounted on wood101 x 155 x 6 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenOngeloof en Geloof (Disbelief and Belief)1994 - 1995plexi and acrylic on wood135 x 181 x 8,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenLiefde en Geboden (Love and Commandments)1995plexi and PVC on wood100,5 x 150 x 5,8 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenJezus bidt voor Zichzelf (Jesus Prays for Himself)1994 - 1995synthetic paint and acrylic on Trovicel and plexi, mounted on wood
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenGeseling en Bespotting (Flogging and Ridicule)1994 - 1995paper and oil marker on Trovicel and plexi and acrylic on wood135 x 179,5 x 8,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenThe Beauty of the System1991acrylic and plexi on wood42 x 54 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven2 Grandmothers1991acrylic on Forex82 x 138,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven2 Mothers1991acrylic on Forex82 x 138,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSmiling Couple1991acrylic on Forex82 x 138,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenLynch & Rossellini1991acrylic on Forex82 x 138,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenStreet1991acrylic on Forex82 x 138,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven4 Sisters1991acrylic on Forex82 x 138,5 cm
Photo: Peter CoxCourtesy Zeno X Gallery - Antwerpinstallation view
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenImmoralita1983acrylic on plexi135 x 150 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMefisto en Zijn Heks met het Abstrakte dat tussen Hen Gebeurt (Mefisto and His Witch with the Abstract that Happens between Them)1989 - 1990synthetic paint and plastic foil on Trovicel(244 x 122 cm) + (50 x 60 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMona Lisa1989acrylic on plexi90 x 80 x 0,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenShangri-Lah1990acrylic on plexi110 x 220 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenZelfportret met Uitleg (Self-portrait with Explanation)1985mixed media63,5 x 52 x 22 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTransport 11985acrylic on plexi, mixed media light box50 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTransport 21985acrylic on plexi, mixed media light box50 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTransport 31985acrylic on plexi, mixed media light box50 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTransport 41985acrylic on plexi, mixed media light box50 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTransport 51985acrylic on plexi, mixed media light box50 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTransport 61985acrylic on plexi, mixed media light box50 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenTransport 71985acrylic on plexi, mixed media light box50 x 50 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenDe 4 Uitersten (The 4 Extremities)1984felt-tip on paper126 x 270 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (A) (A Matter of Hormones [A])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (B) (A Matter of Hormones [B])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (C) (A Matter of Hormones [C])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (D) (A Matter of Hormones [D])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (E) (A Matter of Hormones [E])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (F) (A Matter of Hormones [F])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (G) (A Matter of Hormones [G])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (H) (A Matter of Hormones [H])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEen Kwestie van Hormonen (I) (A Matter of Hormones [I])1984acrylic and felt-tip on plexi15 x 20 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenNormaliseren (to Normalise)1981acrylic and felt-tip on plexi27,5 x 42,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenUntitled1981acrylic on plexi2 x (12,5 x 17,2 cm)
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenBlauw Abstrakt (Blue Abstract)1980acrylic and acrylic felt-tip on plexi33 x 43 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenZelfportret 3 (Self-portrait 3)1981synthetic paint and marker on plexi27 x 37 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenEconom + Chemis...1981acrylic and marker on plexi37,5 x 40,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenMind, Antimatter and Mine1981acrylic and felt-tip on plexi29,5 x 40,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIndépendance (Independence)1981polyester and synthetic paint on plexi mounted on wood200 x 147,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenGirl Illustrated, 19671981acrylic, felt-tip and tape on plexi38 x 40 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenCallas1977acrylic and felt-tip on plexi30 x 48 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenLucky Arnold. Vient d'echapper à son quatrieme naufrage (Lucky Arnold. Just Escaped His Fourth Shipwreck), 19391981acrylic and felt-tip on plexi56 x 55 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSpecialisatie (Specialisation)1981acrylic and felt-tip on plexi32 x 91 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenNetter Kerl (Nice Guy)1981acrylic and felt-tip on plexi61 x 70 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIl domine parfaitement la langue japonaise! (He Has a Perfect Command of the Japanese Language!)1981acrylic and felt-tip on plexi40 x 43,2 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenProviand (Provisions)1981acrylic on plexi26,6 x 66,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenGabin1981acrylic and felt)tip on plexi57 x 41,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenWolf Bleibt Wolf! (Wolf Remains Wolf!), 19811981acrylic and felt-tip on plexi37,6 x 79,7 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenIvar Johansson, Mästerbrottare, 1936 (Ivar Johansson, Champion Wrestler, 1936)1981acrylic and felt-tip on plexi62,5 x 62,5 cm
Anne-Mie Van KerckhovenSentimentaliteit (Sentimentality)1982acrylic on plexi139 x 130 cm
CNAP Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris, France De Vleeshal, Middelburg, The Netherlands FRAC des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France FRAC Normandie Rouen, Rouen, France Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland M HKA Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, Poland Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand RMFAB Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium S.M.A.K. Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany Teylers Museum, Haarlem, The Netherlands University of Chicago, Chicago, United States of America
“7 Questions for Belgian Artist Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, From Her Lifelong Fascination With Nudes to Her Own Alter Ego” Artnet Gallery Network (online) February 2022
“Kunstenares Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven: ‘Ik ben al 30 jaar bezig met artificiële intelligente, en dan gebeurt ineens dit’” De Morgen, article by Danny Ilegems January 2022
“Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven at Fridericianum, Kassel (DE)”, press release (online) February 2018
“Die Pionierin – Computerkunst, Feminismus, Philosophie – der Kunstverein öffnet seinen Gästen die wundersamen Welten der Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven”, article by Daniel Alexander Schacht (online) March 2017
“Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven”, review by Ellen Mara De Wachter (online) May 2016
“Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven. The Renaissance Society” Artforum, vol. 50, no.5, article by Michelle Grabner (p.225-226) January 2012
“Beauty, therapeutic use of. Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven” Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst MUHKA June – September 1999
“Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven. Gallery Zeno X” Artforum, no.1, article by Jos Van den Bergh (p.164) September 1998
Koninklijke Academie voor Schone KunstenAntwerp, Belgium, 2022172 pages, ISBN 9789490521592
Zeno X Books, Hannibal & Walther und Franz KönigCologne, Germany, 2022256 pages, ISBN 9789464366327
Koenig Books LtdLondon, United Kingdom, 2016207 pages, ISBN 9783960983224
Roma Publication 240 / Kunstverein MünchenMunich, Germany, 2015110 pages, ISBN 9789491843334
The Renaissance SocietyChicago, United States, 2011ISBN 9789020999372
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter KönigCologne, Germany, 2008272 pages, ISBN 9783865605283